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Question: The Scarlett Letter!?
is it a good book for teens, or no!? my mom said it wasnt a good book for teens, but i have good reading comprehension when it comes to books im interested in!. so what would you say!? and did you enjoy it or would you give it a thumbs down!?



Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
It is a phenomonal book for teens!. There's only some adult content in it but you can see that on TV in any show!. I've even seen adult humor and content in Sesame Street!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

They made me read it in high school, if it was a bad book, why would they put it in curriculum!. The subject material may not be up your alley, so to speak, but it is widely read for some reason!.Www@QuestionHome@Com