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Question: Why is everybody so obsesed with the book twilight!?!!?

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I know, and I think the answer is - HORMONES!

Scary stuff!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Judging from an interview I saw on CNN with the author:

Marketing, for one!.

The genre (tons of teenagers read at least one vampire romance book--it's escapism probably at its purest!.)

The sanitized nature of it (she's Mormon, so there's no drinking, sex, or drugs, according to her description of the book--so it's probably considered a "safer" read by some parents!.)

I'm about 15 years too old for the book so it doesn't interest me, but I can easily see how a 13-year-old would be all over the book!. When I was that age, I read Christopher Pike and whatnot--it's a natural reading stage for kids!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Don't know!. I was so ingriguedat at first so I decided to buy the book!. Only problem: it was out of stock!. I thank the bookstore for that!. If they had a copy of it, I would've been addicted!.!.!. not! LOL!. I don't like to read thick books!. Besides, why read the book when you can watch the movie!?

Some writers think it's junk so I don't know!. I respect the person who said that because she's very experienced!. What I want to read now is "The Curious Incident of The Dog in The Night-time"

: )


I read Twilight a while before everyone began making such a fuss about it!. Yes, it is a great book; a REALLY great book!. But it is time to calm it down, and move on!. Edward is not real!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

About now, probably because of the movie getting released in December!.

But it actually is a pretty good book!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

b/c it's amazingWww@QuestionHome@Com

Good Marketing or a good read!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Never read it!.!.!.and I'm a teenager (shivers)!.Www@QuestionHome@Com