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Position:Home>Books & Authors> What is a great system for organize a large, diverse book collection?

Question: What is a great system for organize a large, diverse book collection!?
I am having trouble finding a good, scalable, system for organizing my books!. I'm ok with more modern fiction being alphabetical, but I have a lot of non-fiction I can't find a good way to organize!.

Lots of it is ancient, greek and roman, but do I put all the greeks and romans together, or should I put the greek plays and poetry with other plays or poetry, and the philosophy with other philosophy!? For some reason, I don't like the idea of putting Homer or Virgil in with regular fiction or poetry, but I don't want to separate my philosophers into French, German, etc!.

Philosphy can fall into politics, math, science, politics, theology, but it often seems to overlap (does Bacon go in philosopy or science!? Does Euclid go in Greeks or math!? Feild guides!? I can't seem to find easy categories!.

I realize library organizing is largely personal preference, but I can't seem to find a satisfying organization!. Has anyone found a great system for this type of library!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Have you considered using the Dewey Decimal system!? It's a little geeky but also cool!.!.!.
Here's a link to a A-X subject index that gives you the numbers!.

And this won't help with what goes where!.!.!.but I would also suggest Library Thing--it's a website/service that allows you to create a on-line personal library complete with catalog!.!.!.for free for up to 200 items and very reasonable for larger collections!. Check it out!


Good luck with your physical organizingWww@QuestionHome@Com

Genre Topic Alphebetical by author Alphebetical by book name!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I agree Dewey Decimal System is the way to go !!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Here's the way I do it:
Separate modern and classic fiction, organize each set alphabetically!. Mythology can have its own separate section, or go in with the history, whichever you prefer!. History is organized chronologically, mostly by nearest war, and alphabetized within that frame!. As for math and science--I, er, don't really deal with those, since I don't own any of them!.

Things that overlap--I'd say, put them in with whatever subject they handle the MOST!. And as for Greeks--well, they get their own section!.Www@QuestionHome@Com