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Question: Julius Caesar intro paragraph help!!!!!!?
Ok my essay is about how "Brutus is the tragic hero in Shakespeare's Julius Caesar!?" and the intro paragraph has to be in this format:

Lead in
Lead in
Lead in

I need some help with the lead ins because im not very good with them, and I don't even know what they really mean!. But if someone can help me with the whole paragraph I'll be very VERY thankful!.

Please someone help me out!. My essay is due tomorow and I'm stuck on my 1st paragraphWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The hook is the sentence that catches the reader's attention!. You might try this, although it's actually two sentences: "Who is the tragic hero of Julius Caesar!? Isn't that like asking who's buried in Grant's Tomb!?" Then the lead-in sentences are what get you from the hook to the thesis!. You can say that, although the play is named for Caesar, he's not the tragic hero, because he dies too early in the play and because he doesn't really fit Aristotle's definition of a tragic hero (You can find Aristotle's definition on one of these sites: http://search!.yahoo!.com/search!?p=aristot!.!.!. If you've read any other Shakespearean tragedy, you can also point out that a character usually dies in the third act, but that character isn't the protagonist/hero!. Think of Tybalt in Romeo and Juliet, or, if you've read Macbeth, of Banquo!. In fact, the death of that character in the third act is usually the turning point that precipitates the decline of the hero's fortunes and leads to the tragic ending!. (If you use these words, you should give me credit!. : ) ) Then say that there IS a character who fits Aristotle's definition, and who it is!. And there's your thesis!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

check out http://www!.enotes!.com!. They have a really good Julius Ceasar study guide and essays :)

heres an example:

Write a paper that shows how power affects the characters, the events, and the outcome of the play!.

I!. Thesis Statement: Julius Caesar is a play that illustrates the theme expressed by Lord Acton that power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely!. This can be illustrated by studying the actions of the main characters in the play!.

II!. Background
A!. Caesar, Pompey, and Crassus rule Rome (triumvirate)
B!. Power struggle between Pompey and Caesar
C!. Civil war ends with the death of Pompey
D!. Caesar’s rise to power

III!. Concern for the Republic and Caesar’s growing power
A!. Flavius and Marullus disperse the crowd to minimize Caesar’s power base and protect the Roman Republic
B!. A view of Caesar’s power on the feast of Lupercal, how he deals with Calphurnia and Antony

IV!. The Conspiracy against Caesar
A!. Cassius and Brutus discuss what must be done to prevent Caesar from destroying Rome
1!. Cassius—wants personal power
2!. Brutus—wants the good of Rome
3!. Cassius exploits his power over Brutus by forging letters that will sway him
B!. Brutus joins the plot to prevent Caesar’s abuse of power and Brutus assumes the leadership, imposing his wishes on the others
C!. The conspirators have the power of life and death in Rome and they decide who will live and who will die

V!. The Assassination
A!. Caesar’s death causes a power struggle in Rome as the conspirators become the new leaders
B!. Brutus’ funeral speech and his rise to power as the crowds want to make him king
C!. Antony’s funeral speech and his rise to power unleashing the mob on Rome for his personal reasons

VI!. The Aftermath in Rome
A!. Antony, Octavius, and Lepidus are changed by their new- found power
1!. They make a death list to consolidate their power in Rome
2!. They change Caesar’s will and his generous legacy to Rome
3!. Antony’s abuse of Lepidus for his political ends
B!. The growing conflict between Antony and Octavius

VII!. The Aftermath in Greece
A!. The conflict between Brutus and Cassius
B!. The impending war

VIII!. The Civil War
A!. The deaths of Brutus and Cassius
B!. Antony and Octavius rise to powerWww@QuestionHome@Com