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Question: Barnes && Noble Books!?
I just got a fifteen-dollar gift card to the Barnes and Noble Bookstore!. Yes, I am happy!.!.but I have absolutely no clue what to get with it!. My favorite books are The Clique books and books by Emma Harrison, Rachel Hawthorne, and Catherine Clark--but I have read MOST of them!. I also like the M magazine, Popstar, Teen Vogue, and those types of magazines!. Please leave your suggestions of what I should get (combinations, sets, etc)!. And I mean like!.!.if you know any similar types of books and/or magazines!.


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
get the book 'a child called it' and then after you read that read 'the lost boy' !. i swear you will love it!.

It is completely sad but deff my favorite book of all time!.

my old 6th grade teacher reccommended it and i was so glad he did!.

its about this boy that grew up with his mom abusing him and him trying to get help!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Maybe try something new!.

Holly Black--The Tithe, was good and it is in that price range! She has two others that follow---so if you like The Tithe, then you have two more to look forward too!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Get the Blue is for Nightmares Collection by Laurie Faria Stolarz!. They're excellent!.Www@QuestionHome@Com