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Position:Home>Books & Authors> I need advice!- - -reading after harry potter?

Question: I need advice!- - -reading after harry potter!?
ive been an absolute harry potter fan to the very end

now that its over, im prettttty sure neways lol
wat kind of reading (books) would you suggest for me to read!?

to help with ur answer-i also like!.!.!.!.
gossip girl, the sisterhood of traveling pants, lord of the ringsWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The Chronicles of Narnia by C!.S!. Lewis

Inheritance series by Christopher Paolini

Uglies Trilogy by Scott Westerfeld

His Dark Materials by Philip Pullman

Dragon Riders of Pern by Anne Mcaffery
Anne Mcaffery is one of those authors whose books just leave you feeling good once you read the last page!. While a combination of Sci-fi and Fantasy (the argument continues about which one it is) they sit on my fantasy shelf!. Anyone who has ever dreamed of riding a dragon should read these!.

Xanth Series by Piers Anthony
Fun series full of fantastic creatures, a unique world and a magic system based on puns!. Yes I said puns! These are a light read and funny as heck (by the rules of the Adult Conspiracy if I say the other word really bad things will happen!.)

Valdemar series by Mercedes Lackey
This is a large collection and every book in it is excellent!. The concept of being *chosen* by a companion, which is essentially a telepathic horse with amazing powers, is delightful!. Once chosen you become one of the elite heralds, protectors of the realm!. Start with Arrows of the Queen!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I hate to say it, but I'm going to suggest Twilight by Stephenie Meyer since it lines up with some of what you like already, at least in part!.

Otherwise, I would really suggest Shannon Hale's books, especially Princess Academy!.

Jean Ferris' Once Upon a Marigold would also be good!. The sequel Twice Upon a Marigold is now out for that!.

You might also want to look into some things by Gail Carson Levine like Ella Enchanted or Fairest and Ever if you've never read those!.

Scott Westerfeld's series starting with Uglies (followed by Pretties, Specials, and Extras) might be worth looking into!.

Philip Pullman's Dark Materials series (The Golden Compass, The Subtle Knife, and The Amber Spyglass) aren't too bad as far as the action/adventure part of Harry Potter is concerned!. If you've not read those, I recommend them just to keep you reading!.

And if you're looking for something just a little older for age range, I highly recommend Anansi Boys (and it's companion piece American Gods) by Neil Gaiman!.

Finally, I just found a book called Freaks by Annette Curtis Klause looks really interesting and you might like something like that!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I also found it to hard to realize that the HP series is over!. If you like action or fantasy you can try books like Eragon or anything by Kenneth Oppel!. Recently I have been reading books by Kevin Brooks, they have this slight mystery and action twist to them!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If you're into the "Alice and Wonderland" theme, Frank Beddor wrote the trilogy "The Looking Glass Wars" and "Seeing Red", and is currently working on the third book!. Its not at all like the fairy tale/kids book we're all used to but it has another freaky realistic twist to the story!. I recommend you check them out =)Www@QuestionHome@Com

I faced this very problem and came across a wonderful solution!.!.!.!. fan fiction!. It may not be what you are looking for, but there are many great fanfic's and www!.fanfiction!.mugglenet!.com keep their standards high, so you can always find a well written story there!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

the mediator series or any books by meg cabot
or books by sara dessen

the chronicles of narnia

twilight series

poseur by rachel maudeWww@QuestionHome@Com

Have you suggested Twilight!?
Its a good book!.
You should read it!
If you had, maybe you should try reading biographies!. Those kind of books make me busy and entertain=]Www@QuestionHome@Com

the golden compass
a great and terrible beauty

hmm well i'd go with the twilight series!Www@QuestionHome@Com