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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Walden Book Party for "twilight series". I need ideas for decorations.

Question: Walden Book Party for "twilight series"!. I need ideas for decorations!.!?
Decorations, activities, door prizes, refreshments!. I already have the idea to use apples, red ribbon, and big chess pieces for decorations!. I also had the idea to put a 'line' down the middle of the store for the werewolf/vampire line!. The store manager asked me to help out with the party and i'm kinda stuck!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
You could hang stars from the ceiling (like when Bella and Edward are outside after prom)!. You could have a trivia game and a guess who said this game!. You could have a drawing to see who could win a reserved book of Breaking Dawn!. You could have posters from the movie hanging around!. You could find what twilight character are you quizzes online!. You could have people make t-shirts saying Team Edward or Team Jacob (depending on their side of the room)!. You could have "regional" drinks from all the places in the books like "Fork's Water", "Florida Sunny Lemonaide", and "Italy's Red Grapejuice"!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

you should get like those giant cardboard bodies and there are holes in where the heads are supposed to be and one body would be a lamb and the other would be a lion!. and it could be a photo booth!.
Then love quotes from the books everywhere, then one side of the room will be labeled Team Jacob then the other Team Edward!.
And they will be huges signs that say that so people could also take pictures with the signs!.And maybe another place could say "Switzerland"
or buy like fake apples and fake flowers and red ribbons and five them out!.
or put a carboard thing that has a bitten apple on it and it has a yellow crossline that says do not cross infront of the cardboard and then on the apple it says "The forbidden Fruit always taste the sweetest!."Www@QuestionHome@Com

wow this sounds awesome already!! i wish i was invited!.!.!.!.
lets see!. I would definitely stick to the colors black and red!. for music you could play Stephenie Meyer's playlist that she listens to when she writes!. it is on www!.stepheniemeyer!.com for door prizes you could do special edition copies of eclipse!. Or T-shirts!. or "bella's Bracelet" for food you could make a "twilight cake" it is really just a chocolate iced cake with an apple, a frosting flower, and a piece of ribbon (from left to right, in that order) and idk but it looked good in the picture! activities!. thats hard!.!.!.you could do contests like try to dress the most like your favorite character!. or a trivia game to see who knows the most about the books! or you cuold do a game where they have to read qoutes from the books and they have to say who said it!. and you should give prizes to winners!! good luck with your party!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Put posters of quotes up, like the one on the special edition new moon bookcover!. you can also do posters of the new movie!. and in the beginning of the books there are peoms, so you can do posters of those too!. you can do games like "race to edward!" from in new moon, which could be any race you want!. and you can make crafts of werewolves and vampires!. good luck with the party!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I like how you're using decor from the covers!. Try using the flowers from the New Moon cover!. Lots of red and black!. Umm!.!.!. sounds like you have a lot of really good ideas!. Maybe read about the parties they had in the books like prom and Bella's birthday (although they used A LOT of pink at her birthday!.) If you can have people dress up in outfits from the prom like they did at the Eclipse prom on Stephenie's website!. Have fun! Good luck!
Edward Cullen: I think that bracelet is a knockoff!. I'm wearing mine right now and the chain is different!. I used the link off Stephenie's website where they sell shirts, hats, the bracelet,etc!. My bracelet cost $75 I think!. about that!. And where the wolf and the heart attach it's different!. On the real bracelet it has a little brand sign with an infinity sign on it (a sideways 8) The wolf is also different!. Here's the link to the real bracelet:

I like the game ideas that were suggested on the link from Irish Tea!. For the Bella's grace competition I think people should have to spin around and get dizzy maybe like in that game were you spin aroun with your head on a bat and then run but run with books on your head or something like the link said!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I guess if you could find white and red flowers for New Moon!. You can get Bella's Bracelet!. The bracelet that Jacob gives her and Edward add's his own charm to it!. They sell them here:

it probably won't work though, since it is 45 bucks!. If you could have a grand prize, then that could be it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well, in my mind the whole series ,even the happy parts, is surrounded in black, white and red!. Maybe some red and white flowers and ribbons in all of those colors!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'm horribly uncreative, but here is the link to the Lexicon forum that has tons of great ideas:


Moons, the word "twilight", "new moon", "eclipse" and "breaking dawn" in fancy fonts, Forks (lol), that sounds flippin awesome wish i could come :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Maybe you could hang a rope through the middle and hang little ornaments of it (think like, Bella's bracelet ornaments)!.
Just a thought!. Not anything that great!.Www@QuestionHome@Com