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Question: Is the Twilight series all its cracked up to be!.!.!.!?
I have literally nothing to read, and thinking about reading these!. I have a feeling I won't like them (*I started to read the first one once and hated it*)

So is it really as good as everyone says!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I'm EXACTLY the same way as you!. I read probably the first four or five chapter of the first book and I put it down because is was really dumb!. I hated this book with a passion!. But then my sister and a few of my friends wouldn't leave me alone about finishing it, so I picked it up again!. I finished this thing in two days!. It was AMAZING!

I'm seriously not into vampires or fantasy anything, but I adored this book!. I really think you should give it another chance!. As soon as I finished the first one, I read the other two within a week and now I'm waiting for the fourth one to be released!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Initially I thought I was going to hate them!. I am well read and love classic literature!. I really wasn't interested in anything about "goth teens" or whatever I originally thought the book was about!. I finally gave in to the books when all my friends were reading and giggling about them and I had no idea what anyone was talking about!. I started the first book thinking I would hate it, and attempted to resist enjoying it, thinking I could be all smug and tell them I had read the book and thought it was horrible!. I ended up reading the entire three books in two days, and reread parts of them every day for about two months!. So, if I were you, I would give them a try!. They may not be for you, but I would try to make it through the first one before you make any major judgement!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I liked them!.!.!.
I don't think they're everything they're cracked up to be, because people just over-exaggerate: "Oh, they're the best books ever!"-No, I've read plenty of better books!.!.!. "She's such a great writer!" Um, nope!. Not really!. A good storyteller, yes, writer, no!. "I'm in love with Edward/Jacob/any other Cullen!" Hello!.!.!. They're fictional characters!
Anyway, don't let me put you off!. I think I'm just exasperated that the majority of its fans don't like it for the storyline, but for Edward- the hot, perfect boyfriend!.
Give it a shot!. The books are a little slow at times!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The Twilight books are definitely good!. I've met a few people who read them and didn't love them, but no one who actually disliked them!.

Though Stephenie Meyer's skill as a writer is debatable, she is a brilliant storyteller, and that of Edward and Bella is one for the ages!. I'd definitely recommend these books!. You may find the first few chapters of Twilight a little slow, but soon you'll be completely sucked in, I guarantee it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Definitely!. I don't think people on here are portraying how good the book is correctly!. They're just obsessing over Edward, the gorgeous vampire, but that's not what its supposed to be about!. The beginning of the first one isn't that great!. The conflict doesn't come until towards the end of the book!. But once you get there, its a phenomenal read!. If you want, you can just start reading the third book Eclipse, because its the best!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

YES!!! they are amazing lol, most of my friends don't read but I forced this upon them about 10 of them didn't like it at first but after chapter 7 they were all hooked! We're all going to borders at midnight for the party when the next book is released, it was also no!.1 best seller in America for almost a year and the whole series has been in the top 10 best selling books in America for ages! ( twilight for over 90 weeks!)Www@QuestionHome@Com

I absolutely loved them, but that's just me!. I would give them a try!. So far I have just read the first two in the series, Twilight, and New Moon!. The most exciting stuff is towards the end of the book!. I would give it another chance!. If you really don't like it after that, well, at least you know now!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yeah i loved them!. i have reread them quite a few times!. if romance isn't your thing you probably wont like them!. there is quite a bit of like action though too!.!.!. i think its worth it, definately!. ha but yeah just give them a chance, the first part of the first book annoyed me, but then it just gets way WAY betterWww@QuestionHome@Com

yes! they are amazing!.!.!. they get better as you go through the series!. i have to admit i diont like the first one as much as the others!. once all the secrets are revealed it gets great!. i didnt want to put them down and waiting so impatiently for the last one to come out!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Twilight is kind of boring in the begining but once you get to the end it is so suspensful you can't put the book down
u have to at least try to get to the end of Twilight
it is so good!!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com


this series is amazing! I thought I wouldn't like them either (i hate the typical vampire romance stories)
but after I started reading, I got sucked into the story

after the first few chapters, the story gets more interesting- just give it a chanceWww@QuestionHome@Com

They are REALLY good!. At least give it a chance to get good--the first part of books are always really boring and stupid!. Give them some time :)

and if you don't like those, try reading some Ellen Hopkins books, like Crank or Impulse or Burned!. Those are really good!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

dang!.!.!. whats wrong with it!?
i pretty much attacked it!!
it is! and you should at least read twilight before *cough* december 12th when the movie comes out!!
edward really is charming!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I really like the books but there are some people who don't even give them a chance a would suggest that you at least give if you don't like them at least you tried :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

yeah it is!.
it starts a little slow
but once it gets into the story it is really good!.Www@QuestionHome@Com
