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Question: Need idea for a story :)!?
Just some random topics, if possible :)
Preferably about a teenager, high school age!.
I know the details I want, I would just like a basic plot!.
I'm so out of ideas right now and need a boost or two!.

Thank you all so much <3Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Well as a published author and screenwriter I can tell you what works!. The classics!. So borrow from them!.

Make Romeo and Juliette yours!. A teenage boy works as a bag boy at his girlfriend's father's grocery store!. Her father disapproves of the pending relationship and offers the boys unemployed, ex-con father a nice job in exchange for forbidding his son from see the girl!. The girl decides to take matter in her own hands and asks the boy to run away with her!. When her dad learns of the plan he takes steps to stop it once and for all!.

Now that was just as it came to me (explains why it sucked) but also I prefer to come up with a title first, then outline a story around it!. Different, yes, but it works for me!. So some Titles (and log lines)

Love Dies Young
You always remember your first broken heart!

Wisdom Gained, A Tragedy
Suffering from what you miss!.

Good luck, I hope I was of some help!. Let me know if I can be of any further and see you at the TOP!Www@QuestionHome@Com

If you have your main character, decide what you want to have happen to them and how they should react!. Throw a few monkey wrenches in the works and see what happens!.

If you don't have your main character, you are starting at the wrong point!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Maybe like a guy comes in to a school and takes a class hostage or A guy comes in while a guy is having alittle get to gethor with some of his and takes them hostageWww@QuestionHome@Com

a geeky girl runs for Miss ______ High School while facing opposition from popular people and while snagging the heart of the quarterback!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well, my stories are not suggested!. They just start unraveling in my head and I write 'em down!.Www@QuestionHome@Com