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Position:Home>Books & Authors> I need books that goes under this genre... not really interesting but yeah ^^?

Question: I need books that goes under this genre!.!.!. not really interesting but yeah ^^!?
Umm!.!.!. sry, it pretty boring, but the best one gets 10 points!. Well, the genres are
Auto- Biography
Will u give me the titile and the author, thanx!.!.!. ^^
hmm!.!. what categorie would this be under ^^Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Sports: "Essence of Aikido," Morihei Ueshiba; benefit: he developed Aikido, lived an amazing life, and gives good philosophy!.

"They Call Me Coach," John Wooden!. Benefit: he is a decent, wise, man, and it's also an autobiography!.

"West with the Night," Beryl Markham; autobiography that was Hemingway's favorite non-fiction book!. Benefit: excellent, unusual style!.

"Autobiography of a Yogi," Yogananda; excellent book; gives great insights!.

Biography: "Long Pilgrimage," John G!. Bennett!. He knew the man, who, by official birth records, lived over 120 years, and who walked around the world, ages 50-85!.

Autobiography: "Expecting Adam," Martha Beck, Ph!.D!. Benefit: she wrote a great column for "Mademoiselle," and writes warmly and profoundly about her years at Harvard!.

Fictional or from another world autobiography: "Alcatraz versus the Evil Librarians," Brandon Sanderson; his mom provided the idea for this book; hilarious if you like boy wizards!.

"When Invisible Children Sing," Chi Cheng Huang, M!.D!.; benefit: the life and mind of a young American, who goes to Harvard Medical school, and has since helped Bolivian street children!.

"Stay Alive, My Son," Pin Yathay; autobiography of an escapee from Khmer Rouge!. Memorable!.

"Eyes of the Tailless Animals," Soon Ok Lee; honest North Korean communist official tells her amazing story!.

"The Vanishing Footsteps," Silviu Craciunas; great autobiography!.

"And There Was Light," Jacques Lusseyran; ditto!.

"Entering the Circle" and "The Master of Lucid Dreams," Dr!. Olga Kharitidi; great two-volume autobiography!.

"Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov," Louise-Marie Frenette; excellent biography!.Www@QuestionHome@Com