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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Are there any writing companies I can hire to help me finish/correct my book?

Question: Are there any writing companies I can hire to help me finish/correct my book!?
It's an action/sci-fi book that I'm writing!. I am not that great of a writier and I need someone to help me make my material readable, and make a plan of what ideas to expand on!.

I have a lot of this stuff in my head I just need some help getting it out onto paper lol!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
You are looking for an editor!. Qualified editors cost plenty!.

Basic copyediting, completing 5 to10 double-spaced manuscript pages per hour, is going to cost you between $20 and $35 an hour!.

Heavy copyediting, 2 to 5 pages per hour, will cost $25 to $50 an hour!. From your description, this sounds like the level of service your work may need!.

Obviously that's going to add up really fast!. Other possibilities include paying someone to teach you grammar and writing mechanics, so you will not need editing services, or teaching yourself, or finding qualified critics to tell you what's wrong with your work, from the writing to the concept!. A critique group may offer that, and there are many writing websites which do, too!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well at my school we have an author and he came and gave us a talk!. He gave us a majour tip on getting your book published: Go to the publisher in person, it's so easy to say no to a peice of paper but alot harder to say it to there face!.Www@QuestionHome@Com