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Question: Harry Potter Prequel and Beedle the Bard!?
Are these canon or were they written for charity only with no intention of them being part of the harry potter canon!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
They are written for charity but the prequel is directly related to Harry Potter as it involves two already known HP characters!. Story can be found here:

And "the tales of beedle the bard" is a book of fairytales that hermione receives in the 7th book!. More info here:

They are technically canon!. They are for charity, so there is a chance that not many will ever read them, but what is written in Beedle the Bard and the short prequel are true to the harry potter world!. Just remember that the Beedle the Bard stories are true as fairy tales, not as real scenariosWww@QuestionHome@Com

One copy of Beedle and Bard was actioned off for charity!. The rest J!.K!. gave copy's to her friends and family!. The prequel was actioned off today for 25,00pounds!. But there will a prequel in the 'Whats your story' book!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

They were for charity, yet you can still read them on certain sites or atleast brief overviewsWww@QuestionHome@Com
