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Question: What was the real name of Author George Elliot!?
!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.and what was the reason for the use of the pseudonym!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Mary anne evens!. She did the same thing I do with some of my short stories!. I went through a period when I wrote in a male, and female point of view!. Or when I wrote a story about a woman's issue!. A few women would not even read it because I was a man!.

Ms Evans had great talent but being a woman, men did not want to hear she understood how they were thinking, or felt!.

She ran the westminster Review under Marian Evans!. I am not that smart I just googled the author George EliotWww@QuestionHome@Com

George Eliot's real name: Mary Anne, Mary Ann or Marian Evans!. She used all three, but the name on her baptismal certificate was Mary Anne!.
Source: http://etext!.lib!.virginia!.edu/collection!.!.!.

Reason for the pseudonym: (this quote is taken from the link below)
There were a few reasons for her choosing a pen name at this point in her life; public knowledge of her adulterous relationship with Lewes was one!. Another was that, although she had been published anonymously in the Westminster Review, many now knew it was she who wrote with the sharp and cunning intellect that cut away conventions and exposed the mediocrity to be found in literature of the day!. Neither male nor female authors were immune to her scrutiny!. She did not want her reputation to precede her works!. Having a male pen name ('George' of course being Lewes' first name) set a tone for her fiction apart from the feminine genre of cookbooks and domestic moral tales!.
From http://www!.online-literature!.com/george_!.!.!.

Why did she choose that exact name!? (this quote is from the link below)
Mary Anne then adopted George Eliot as her nom de plume!. She later told John Cross that she chose the name because "George was Mr!. Lewes's Christian name, and Eliot was a good mouth-filling, easily pronounced word" (Cross I, 310)!.
From http://etext!.lib!.virginia!.edu/collection!.!.!.

The link above has more information on her as well!.Www@QuestionHome@Com