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Question: The host and twilight!?!?
okayy so i absolutley LOVED the twilight series
and i've read each book like 5 times each!.
hahahaha (:
and i was like wondering would i like the host!? is it
any good!?!?

what did you like better twilight or host!?!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
hey, i've read both the twilight series (ofcourse a million times:P) and the host, the host is different from twilight becasue of its plot line but it is a very well written and a good book!.!.!.the idea is unique in my opinion, its about aliens living in human bodys, no its not ur usual take over the world thing, but its really cool!. im sure u will enjoy it!.!.!.!.but, which i like better twilight and the host, well my answer obviously is twilight!!! twilight is just wonderful!.!.!.!.the thing is i can related to it more then i can relate to the host!.!.!.!.it might have to do with the age of the characters!.!.!.but then again for some reason vampires seem more interesting then aliens:P and ofcourse the number one reason i like twilight more is because i love edward :) lol but u should still read the host!!! its really good :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'm reading The Host now!. It's really good!. Stephenie is such a talented writer!. I LOVE the Twilight series!. I don't think I will like The Host more than the Twilight books but I think The Host will be on my list of favorite books!. It's really good!. Read it!. You've got a lot of time until Breaking Dawn comes out!. Pass the time reading The Host!. (Since you've read the Twilight books 'like 5 times each!.')Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well The Host, i must say,i wasn't liking!.

At first i was like "well this is a let down!.!.!." but once you get to page 300, all of a sudden you cant stop!

im serious! out of nowhere i just couldn't stop reading it!. it was written really well, though the Twilight series is still much better!.

even though its not nearly as good as the Twilight series i still suggest you read it because its definetly worth the wait (of 300 pages)!.

my favorites Ian, watch out for him, he rocks :)

~Hope this helps~Www@QuestionHome@Com

The Host was AMAZING, but Twilight is still the best!. The Host was really hard to get into in the beginning, but after the first 100 pages it was really good, but Twilight is still better!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Personally I'd take The Host over Twilight ANY day!. It was great!. You should definitly read it!. Although it was rather long, don't be daunted!. It was worth every page!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i love both books and i really enjoyed reading the host it has romance and some mystery kinda but it was still really good if you liked twilight you should most definitely read the hostWww@QuestionHome@Com

i read the first cchapter and i also read the twilight series maybeee 7 times!? lol it didnt seem good not after the Twilight Series its too Sci - Fi soundingWww@QuestionHome@Com

I don't really care for the Host!.!.!.!.!.!.I don't know you so i don't know if you would like it or not!. But i love Twilight!!!! GO team Edward!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

twilight's better, but i finished th host in 2 days - it was awsome!. more complicated plot!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The Host is better! It's so good!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

the host is pretty cool!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com