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Question: Did anyone like reading The Host!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I want to read it so bad:] I have it on hold at the library but I am number 80, UGH!!! I have heard good and bad things from people, mostly good though!. I think since this is Stephenie's first time writing a sci fi book, there are going to be some downfalls!. But she is an amazing writer so I think that for her first time writing a sci fi, it is going to be good!. On amazing book reviews, 169 out of 200 reviews loved the book, so I think that it is going to be good!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It was good!. Most people would say it's better than the Twilight series and I am one of them!
But in the beginning, it's not very exciting and there's very little action!. It's not until Wanderer/Melanie got to the rebel hideout place did the story really got interesting!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I've read it!
It was really good apart from the fact that it took AGES for tbhe book to get started - i didn't get into it until about half way through, but since i got to the end i've been really excited to reas the next book!!!!!!!!
(SM said that she wants to bring some other books out in the series like 'the healer' and 'the seeker'!!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

i did!.
it was pretty dang amazing!.

anyone who says stephenie meyer can't write should read the host!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'm trying to order it through my library!.!.!. will probably take months now!.Www@QuestionHome@Com