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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Why do Twilight Fans Think There Is More Of Them Than Harry Potter Fans?

Question: Why do Twilight Fans Think There Is More Of Them Than Harry Potter Fans!?
Do they not know they probally havent even sold half as many copies as the HP series!?

Twilight will never be bigger than Harry Potter its teen girl trash and vampires really arent to creative

lol Will twilight have a theme park!.!.!.!.!.!.NO
Will twilight be a huge movie!.!.!.!.!.NO
Has it basically changed the world of fantasy!.!.!.!.NO
Does it appeal to all kinds of Fantasy audiences!.!.!.!.NOWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
because some of the harry potter fans turned traitor and went to the twilight side!. that is why!. that pisses me off but it is their loss!.

as for twilight beating hp 7 off the best seller list everyone had already bought it!. the hp series is worth billions twilight knocking one book off the best seller list still doesn't change the fact that the hp series is worth more money than the twilight series is and the books are over!. one more twilight book won't do much

i don't think companies are gonna make an edward cullen vampire costume for halloween and i don't think a little kid will sit an watch some love sick girl go hang out with a vampire!. there will be no twilight sweets, muffin mix, draws but there will always be the various products for harry potter!.

and lastly harry potter does have events!. saying that twilight is real is stupid!. they are both fiction, both have events!. neither one is real so i don't know how that could be some evidence!. vampires aren't real either!. that just pisses me off!. that like not even a logical reason!. do you realize that the maturity level cuts the auidence off!?!?!? no child is going to see that or run around pretending to be a hot sexy vampire!.

i just wish people woulds say that they like romance more instead of putting down a really good book because that's all it comes down to!. all it comes down to is some teenage girl or boy favoring romance over fantasy without having the logical facts to prove their opinionWww@QuestionHome@Com

well hi, have you took your meds today!?
obviously you have not!. twilight is a really great series!. maybe it won't be a theme park because its not like that!. and for your information it really has changed the fantasy world (where were you!?)
oh and before i forget the movie comes out in december, look at the hype its getting now in june!.
it was also the second most watched trailer (right next to indiana jones!!!)

so yea you must obviously be a HP fan!.!.!.!.!.!. loserWww@QuestionHome@Com

In my opinion, I never once thought of the HP Series while reading the Twilight series, until I watched a CNN interview with Stephenie!.

I think they are both totally different and also more adult maturity then HP, though towards the end Harry's story got to the adult point but still PG for the kiddos!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

ok, calm down!. not ALL Twilight fans think there are more of us than Harry Potter fans!. i certainly don't think there are more of us!. besides, Twilight and Harry Potter are two different types of fantasies!. don't worry too much, i'm pretty sure the Twilight buzz will (unfortunately) eventually die down!. so just cool it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i like the harry potter books
but i think twilight was WAY better
twilight is more realistic
there are real facts
and every place is real
it is going to be a big movie
and harry potter has been out longer than twilight
so of course its made more money
but still twilight is more believeableWww@QuestionHome@Com

Harry Potter books aren't really that amazing-and Twilight is being made into a movie!. At least there is some real events in the Tilight series-Harry Potter is nothing but magic!. Even thought vampires aren't real the Twilight series is WAY MORE INTERESTING than the Harry Potter series!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

isn't twilight about fighting kitties!?!?!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

I kind of think Harry Potter is better than Twilight!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Jesus, Like anyone could care!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

First, I'd like to say I'm not a super fan, I'm just going to present a few facts and statistics!.

Take this, HP has been around more than twice as long as Twilight, close to three times, so of course it hasn't sold as many copies!!! Duh, it's common sense to know that!.

also, Eclipse (book 3) knocked book 7 of HP off the #1 spot on the New York Times Best Sellers list!.

HP is the overrated one!. I mean, honestly!.!.!.you can't reread it without being bored as hell!.

And Twilight might have some equivalent to a theme park!. I mean, there aren't as many action scenes so they can't really make roller coasters or haunted houses or anything like that!.

Twilight will be a huge movie!. It's #4 most searched movie, topping Pirates of the Caribbean!. A lot of people are saying it will top HP!.

It hasn't changed the world of fantasy, I'll give you that one!.

Nor does it appeal to all types of fantasy audiences, but neither does HP!.

No!.!.!.I'm not a fangirl!. You don't see me going around confessing my love for Edward Cullen, do you!? I mean, my name is "The Twilight Freakazoid" but that's still not drooling over the book!. It just means that I enjoy the books more than any other series!.
Okay, and if you want to play the time card, Harry Potter was out for so freaking long, that's how it sold so many books, got the theme park, ect!. But, the first HP movie wasn't made into a movie until a while after the first book came out!. But, Twilight is only 3 years old!.
You have to admit, I know my factoids =]
As for Miss Pissy below, (she's gonna be your best answer probably) duh there's not going to be Twilight cake batter or Halloween costumes or macaroni and cheese or any of that ****!. Twilight is a young adult nove!. It's not a book for 7-year-olds like Harry Poter is!. I mean, honestly, those books are on such a low level of reading I can't stand it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com