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Question: Writers or Illustrators, ANSWER ME!!?
Ok, I'll rephrase my question a bit!.!.!.

I'm illustrating a children's book for the first time, and I have no idea how much money to ask for!.!. It's the writers first book too, so she's in the same situation as me!.!. We haven't given each other a price yet, because we have no idea what's normal and I don't want to be under paid and she doesn't want to pay too much!.!.!. We are haveing a meeting within the next couple of days to write up a contract and set a price!.

She says she has a publisher!.!. Can you get a publisher without having any illustrations!.!.!?!?

The book 16 pages!.!.!.

Illustrators, how much money would you ask for per page!?
If you're a writer, how much would you pay an illustrator!?

Even just a range will help!.!.!. from $20 - $50 or $50 - $100!?!?
Is 50% of the profit asking too much!?!?

I know I can't ask for a huge amount because this is my first book, but I also know that my work is good!.

Does anyone have experience in this!?!?


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Most writers don't get to choose their illustrators!. She either is self publishing or has a small publishing house she is working with!. There are some out there that do ask that you have illustrations included with your text!.

If she is working with a small publishing house, they will have a set percentage you'll recieve!. On the other hand, if she is self publishing, I would ask for an amount upfront!. Think of the time you are investing, the supplies you've used, and any research you might put into this when considering the amount you want to ask for!. Most pbs are 16 spreads, so that sounds right!. You will have some pictures that take up one page and then have opportunities to have two page spreads too!.

You can get a publisher without illustrations!. If you are not a professional illustrator, most publishing houses prefer you not send in drawings or have an illustrator lined up!. They usually have a number of illustrators that they work with and several new ones they they (the publishing houses) can pick from!. Now there are some out there that ask for you to have an illustrator lined up and to send in a dummy!. Mind you, there aren't very many of them!.

On money wise!.!.!. I've heard illustrators can get an advance of up to $5000 on their first book!. BUT this is with a regular publishing house!. Are you giving up your rights to your illustrations!?!?!? If not, you can put in your contract that after the book earns X amount you get X% off of each book!. But this could get tricky if she is self publishing!. If you are selling off your rights I would asked for 50-100 for each picture if they are full pages and full color!. There are a lot of things to consider, as you can see!.

I hope this is helpful!. I'm not an illustrator, but I'm a writer who's been writing seriously for the past 8 1/2 years and pursuing the children's genre, particullary picture books!.

Good luck,

Actually, she HAS TO get a publisher without an illustrator!. Illustrated books are not sold to a publisher with illustrations attached!. The publisher will, once they buy the book, hire their own illustrator!.

The Publisher hires pays the illustrator, and it's not the choice of the author!.

If you want to be an illustrator for childrens' books, you will need to go right to the publisher and have them hire you on a case by case bases!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Lia A and Melissa B are correct!. The publisher always chooses the illustrator--unless the writer you are working with is self-publishing!. The first poster is also correct!. The illustrator would never receive 50 percent!. I don't know what the percentage is, but I can't see it being more than 15 percent!. It may be even less!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

She must have a very small publisher, or be self-publishing the book, because it is rare that an author gets to choose her illustrator!. Typically the publishing company is the one to decide such things!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I don't know what to tell you, except that 50% is an exorbitant amount of money!. Don't ask for that much!. I'd try 15% if I were you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Check Wikipedia!.Www@QuestionHome@Com