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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Writers or Illustrators, PLEASE ANSWER!?

Question: Writers or Illustrators, PLEASE ANSWER!!?
I already asked, but no one answered me!.!. so I'll ask again!.

I'm illustrating a children's book for the first time, and I have no idea how much money to ask for!.!. I was thinking a certain price per page, plus a certain % of the profit!.!. I've never done this before, so I don't know what an illustrator usually makes!.

Illustrators, how much money would you ask for per page!?
If you're a writer, how much would you pay an illustrator!?

Even just a range will help!.!.!. from $20 - $50 or $50 - $100!?!?
Is 50% of the profit asking too much!?!?

I know I can't ask for a huge amount because this is my first book, but I also know that my work is good!.

Does anyone have experience in this!?!?


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Who hired you to do this!? A publisher!? Usually they set that all up in a contract first!. Generally, the illustrator gets more than the author!. Top children's illustrators command very large amounts!. But if this is your first book, then I would figure out how many illustrations you have to do (usually a kids book is 36 or 48 pages) and how much detail you will need for each one!. Then decide on a price!. I would think it would be around 50 a page for all that work if it is your first one and a small publisher!. And 50% of the royalties!? You can ask, but the publisher usually sets that up with the author!. It is a little high!.

Well, are you working with the writer of the book too!? B/c they could give you some advice, like how much they usually pay!.Www@QuestionHome@Com