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Question: Other than breaking dawn!?
so what are some good summer books!.

nothing to romantic and gushy!.

just intoxicating!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
i would try a great and terrible beauty
and then there is a second one and
a third one!. They are def!. intoxicating because
it has a unique plot and twists that u
would never expect!. AMAZING!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I love any books by sara dessen (those are REALLY good)
If you like fantasy, you can read The Looking Glass Wars and Seeing Redd, by frank beddor

then there's books by scott westerfeld- the uglies series and the midnighters series!.

If you see a book by tamora pierce, pick it up and you won't be able to put it back down!
Jodi picoult is and awesome author
and another book that i really love is 'a tree grows in brooklyn'

really hope that i helped!Www@QuestionHome@Com

A Great And Terrible Beauty
its a story about a girl in the 1800s who badly wants to leave her family and move to boarding school in England, but her mom wont let her!. But then her mom gets killed and she gets shipped off!. And she finds out that her mom was in the order, a magic orginazation with other realms and she falls in love with a gypsy in the other realm, and has to save her freiends!. Its not to gushy, but its realllllllly intense!. its by Libba BrayWww@QuestionHome@Com

well if you haven't read 'the lord of the rings' trilogy by jrr tolkien, get on that!. 'the hobbit' as well!.
same thing with the 'harry potter' series by jk rowling!.

some other favorites:
'the neverending story' by michael ende
the uglies series ('uglies', 'pretties', & 'specials') by scott westerfeld
the gemma doyle series ('a great and terrible beauty', 'rebel angels', & 'the sweet far thing') by libba bray
'roverandom' by jrr tolkien
'peeps' by scott westerfeld
'sophie's world' by jostein gaarder
'the once and future king' by t!.h!. white
'the wizard of oz' by l!. frank baum
'wicked' by gregory maguire
'the jester' by james patterson
'fahrenheit 911' by ray bradbury
'the great gatsby' by f!. scott fitzgerald
'maus' by art spiegelman
'a taste for rabbit' by linda zuckerman

aaand that's all i can think of right now!. heh!.

happy reading!Www@QuestionHome@Com

it depends what may intrest you, but you could search for some interesting books at barnes & nobble, brooks, or even the library!.!.!. you could get a book that will help you be a better person, and that it would cause you to have a better personality!. therefore, "keep searching, so you could find!.!.!."Www@QuestionHome@Com

Books by John Green (Looking for Alaska and An Abundance of Katherines) and books by Maureen Johnson (Suite Scarlett and 13 Little Blue Envelopes are her best in my opinion)!. also- The Disreputable History of Frankie Landau Banks (or anything by E!. Lockhart for that matter) was great!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

sunshine is a good one, its about vampires and whatnot, but not at all as lovey-dovey as twilight series (im a huge fan of them) and the diaries of georgia nichols is always good for a laugh


Other Vampire Series:
Kissing Coffins by: Ellen Shreibar
Blue Bloods by: Melissa De La Cruz
Buffy by: Levy Robert Joseph

And remember to read The Host also by Stephenie MeyerWww@QuestionHome@Com

the host was really good and pretty little liars is really good the 4th book just came out it is about these 4 girls that start getting these mysteries notes from someone named A those are the ones i have read so far hope you enjoy themWww@QuestionHome@Com

Tithe would be a good book!.
Wicked Lovely is very good!! Not to gushy but has just enough romance :)
Oh & I have heard that the Pretty Little Liars series is supposed to be good!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

the host by stephenie meyer

the boy next door by meg cabotWww@QuestionHome@Com

Try some Sarah Dessen books!.
Or try MasqueradeWww@QuestionHome@Com

The clique series!!!! LOVE THEM!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

um!.!. try Pepperland by Mark Delany, i quite enjoy it!Www@QuestionHome@Com