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Question: The host!? twilighters!?
hey twilighters, have any of you read the host!?

if so, do u find it complicated!?

and do u find ur self comparing the characters to the twilight series!?

i really want to read it but i feel like i wont to it justice because of the twilight phenomenon!.


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
there were only a few quotes that i found similar to the twilight series!. the rest of the book i didn't really think of twilight at all!.
The host is not complicated at all though its a little hard to get into- the first chapter is a little slow but it gets really really good!.
the host was better then twilight in my opinion!.
though its not complicated- it is really different and it may take you a few minutes to understand a few things!.
but its a fairly easy read!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The Host is amazing!

At first I have to say that I had NO CLUE what was going on, I was just trying to go along with it!. I was not comparing the characters together but I guess I would understand why people would!.

You get really attached to all the characters and it's a really good read!. Give it a try, I have to say it may be as good as Twilight and the series in my eyes!.

Happy reading : )Www@QuestionHome@Com

i read the book and i never compared them they are two completely different stories there is romance in it but it is nothing like twilight all the characters are confused about everything so i say you should read it because it was really good hope you like it to if you decide to read itWww@QuestionHome@Com

it's amazing!.

the host is awsome, and yes i did compare the charcters!.

mel is just a more brave version of bella!. they have the same sense of humor,

the plot was also very much alike!. 2 guys!. i girl!. in love with both!. etc!. i dont want to give too much away!.

read it!.

its great!!!!!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I haven't read the book myself, and I know exactly what you mean, but I know people who've read The Host already and they said it was great, and I'm also going to read it as soon as I get the chance to buy it, so I think you should give it a chance too :]Www@QuestionHome@Com