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Question: Becoming published!? Agent- or Publishing house-!? Which is better!?
Is it better to have an agent first, or go straight to the publishers!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Definitely get an agent!. Don't even think about doing anything without an agent because you won't get anywhere without one!. Publishers--the big ones--won't even consider you if you don't have an agent!.

They really are a commodity!. And having an agent there will help you to make your story better!. They'll help you fix it up again and they'll help with the query letter and everything else!. also, when reading the contract a publisher draws up they'll understand the terms and get you the best deal they can!. Another thing is that they know the market better then you ever will!.

They're paid for this!. They're paid to make someone's work the best it can!. And after you get a publisher, if there are problems such as with the title name, the cover or the royalties, whatever, you can tell the agent your problem and they'll take care of it with the publisher so you never look like the bad guy!.

I got all of this from The Complete Idiot's Guide to Getting Published!. It's very detailed; it should be a necessity in the publishing world because it tells you everything you need to know!.

Good luck!Www@QuestionHome@Com

It is a hundred times better to have an agent--the best publishers will not accept solicitation/queries from unknown authors or people without agents!.

The only catch is--you usually can't get an agent unless you've been published!.

So the trick is to publish enough decent work at decent publishers to attract an agent!. Then the agent will take over and you'll have a real chance at getting published with a large mainstream publisher!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

None of the big name print publishers will look at any submissions unless they are sent by an agent!. If you want to submit your work on your own, research small print publishers!. also, get a copy of the 2008 Writer's Market!. You'll find in it a lot of pertinent information pertaining to publishing!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

YES, you need an agent!. A publisher will throw your mauscript away if you don't have one!.
You should also be aware that, agent or not, there's a slim chance you'll get published!. So keep on trying!

Agent!. Most major publishers won't even look at a manuscript unless it is handled by an agent!. And please don't even think about self-publishing!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Get an agent, some publishers wont even look at your book unless your agent pitches your story to them!.Www@QuestionHome@Com