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Position:Home>Books & Authors> In deathly hallows if grophook steals the sword what does neville use to cut of

Question: In deathly hallows if grophook steals the sword what does neville use to cut of naginis head!?
my only thought was that he used the fake sword but if he did was the horcrux still destroyed!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Well you already know from the second book that only a true brave and courageous Gryffindor will be able to pull out the sword from the hat!. As Harry managed to pull it out of the hat when he killed the Basilisk!.
When the sorting hat is worn, it kind of reads your mind, and tells what are your special abilities and where is your ideal place, like when it said that Harry can do great things if he were to be placed in Slytherin, however when it sorted Neville in Gryffindor, the hat already knew that Neville will prove his bravery and courage in near future!.
You can pull the sword of Gryffindor, because Godric himself placed a charm on the hat, that will allow a true Gryffindor to pull the sword from the hat when needed, Neville at that time needed to defend himself, so the hat provided him with the right thing he needs, the sword magically appeared in the hat, due to the charm Godric placed!.


In COS Dumbledore tells Harry "Only a true Griffindor could have pulled that out of the hat" when the sword came out of the sorting hat!. The qualities of a Griffindor are their daring,nerve,and chivalry!. So the sword came to Neville because he was daring enough to stand up to Voldemort, he had the nerve to agree to cut the snakes head off with out question, and the chivalry to save thoughes around him by cutting the snakes head off!. He did not know that killing the snake would save everyone but that does not matter!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

When Voldemort forced the Sorting Hat onto Neville, Neville was being suffocated by it, but then he was able to pull it off because the Sword of Gryffindor came out of the hat!. (Just like it did in #2: Chamber of Secrets)

It was that whole "only a true Gryffindor can pull the sword out of the Sorting Hat"

So, I guess even though Griphook stole it - it could still come back to a faithful Gryffindor in need!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No, no, no! Let me explain !. !. !.

Griphook did indeed steal the real Sword of Gryffindor from the trio while in Gringott's, filthy little scum!. However, when the Sorting hat was before Neville, who showed great courage - an aspect valued in a true Gryffindor, he was able to pull the Sword out of the hat, because he had shown such bravery (just like Harry had done in Chamber of Secrets)!. Thus, with the Sword, Neville was able to slice Nagini's head off!. Now, do you see what happened!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

the sword came out of the sorting hat that Voldy put on neville's head because of the magic Gryfindor put on itWww@QuestionHome@Com

the realy sword because he pulled it out of the sorting hat after he showed great courage that only Gryfindors true can possesWww@QuestionHome@Com

i think its his wand!.Www@QuestionHome@Com