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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Walmart question? I went to Walmart yesterday and went to the book section. Ther

Question: Walmart question!? I went to Walmart yesterday and went to the book section!. There where 100's of Books!.!?
I was looking for a joyce Meyer Book!. What first grabbed my attention was it was all black people on the front of the books!. I said Ok, then my eye caught a Title you have to sin to be saved, I said what, then I looked and the couple on the front of the book are half naked and making out!. I started looking and there where half naked people everywhere and even one book was Hot Sex!. I did take 4 of the most affensive books to the Manager who said she did not know they where there!. But, I went back and although the ones I gave her where removed!. The others are still there!. Should these books be sold at walmart!? Should they be in an adult section!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Absolutely! The book section in walmart is so small that children's books are a mere few feet away from more adult content books, and they can easily pick up one of the adult content books!. They should be moved to another section all together!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The grocery stores around here cover up Cosmopoliton magazines in the check out lanes!. If Wal-Mart wants to be family friendly, they shouldn't sell those books in their stores or they can at least cover them with the black plastic things that you find in front of adult magazines in grocery stores!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I don't think Walmart has an adult section!. If it offends you then don't look!. One of the more popular ways that German youth entertained themselves during the outbreak of NAZI germany was to burn books in the streets that they did not agree with!. Don't push your own set of moral values on everyone else!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

maybe for the prudes that cant handle it!.!. heck its going to be 2009 soon!.!.!.what are you going to worry about books in a book isle when all a child has to do is surf the net and see all the porn they want!.!.!. Im making a point here!.!.!. Next are we going to condemn Barnes and Noble for carrying anything that has to do with sex and or sinning!.!.!.!. I bet you they had a bible there someplace and even though that doesnt have pics it DOES describe things so I mean when are the prudes going to realize that the only reason we have as much sex and violence and rape etc is because of people that think they have such ritious morals!.!.!.!. Heck in other countries they have nude commercials and dont ban sex on their tvs!.!.!. when one is forbidden to see it makes them want it more!.!.!. if you are allowed and pay no mind, then know one cares!.!.!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com