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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Attention bookworms: want to voice your opinion on a could-be famous book one da

Question: Attention bookworms: want to voice your opinion on a could-be famous book one day!?
Okay, so writing is my life!. I've wanted to be an author since kindergarten!. I'm mid-way through my first novel and need advice from avid readers!. What do you look for in an ending!? What do you hate!? What do you find cliched!? When is sad TOO sad!? I really would appreciated any advice you may have!. Thanks!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Hehehe!.!.!.join the club!.

Each and every one of us want to be famous, but very few of us actually get there!.

The most we can try for is a pair of sevens at the craps table and hope for the best outcome!.

1) My endings are ones that have substance, emotion, and feeling!. Something which ties the entire book together!.

I've seen too many would-be authors go for that 'cliff-hanger' crap--believing that this is what will nail them a spot on the agent or publisher's hotlist!. (Why!? Because they can write a cliff-hanger!? Pffft! PUL-EAZE!)

It never works out the way they first envisioned it!. Believe me: Been there, done that--didn't take!. I write my books in a way that doesn't always have that classic cliff-hanger element!.

Am I bothered by it!. Heck no! I'm just glad that I finished that book so I can go onto the next in line!. :0)

2) I don't necessarily 'hate', but I just have strong disapproval in some newbie writer attempts at trying too hard--and only serving to frustrate themselves in the end!.

I keep saying, 'Pace yourself'--but few listen!. This isn't a race, kids!. Writing takes years to get down to a science!. Just ask Juno Diaz!.

3) Most writers' intentions to rehash what's already been done: Harry Potter, Twilight, Harry Potter, Twilight, etc, etc, etc!.!.!.

Leaves me to wonder if they have an original bone in their body!. Hell, I'd take someone up on their offer if they declared their intentions to write another STAR TREK novel! lol

But give it a rest people! Start thinking for yourselves and start writing **** that no one's seen before! This *is* the 21st century after all!.!.!.

What are you guys afraid of!?

4) When the author can't get out of his or her funk and his or her characters feel it!. (Been here too on this problem!. Fixed it by getting my characters pasted on chocolate, beef jerky, and some White Merlot!. :0) )

EDIT: There's nothing wrong with good and evil duking it out--with the former winning!. It's just more fun to watch 'evil' have their day--and 'good' getting its collecting *** kicked around for good measure!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I agree with the above, unpredictable is the pits!.

too sad would be the main character losing everything,
losing the meaning of life, losing hope, and never progressing!.

But if all of that happened and you brought the character back up, it wouldn't be too sad!.

I hate when authors don't tie the ending in with little details from the beginning BUT it cannot be predicted!. Write alternative endings, as well!. Cliched is the main character gets everything they want!. Maybe something bad (sad) could occur, and then the character finds the good in it and is ready to start over !. !. !. !.duh nah nah sequel :DWww@QuestionHome@Com

I don't exactly hate predictable endings, but it would be nice to twist!. Like you spend the whole book thinking something going to happen, and then it either does!.!.but it's wrong!.!.or it doesn't!.
I like closure in an ending, if it's just one book, or the end of a series!. If it ends with something unfinished I'm going to really want a next book!. I don't like when people just sum up the ending, I want to see how it happened!. Some books spend lots of time with the story, and then very little with the end!. Sometimes it works!.!.others not so well!.
It's sad when the main character dies!. If you have lots of people die in the ending, it becomes over done and not as sad anymore!. But it's really sad when someone who's loved dies!. A mother, father, wife, husband, you get the picture!. Or if it was in a tragic way, though that can be a good ending, too!. And, I think I've made this long enough, sorry if it's too long and unhelpful!Www@QuestionHome@Com

It all depends on the style of novel you are trying to write!. I'll go off of the assumption that it is a general fiction novel!.

There is no TOO sad unless you try to deliberately make it sad just to shock people by having a sad ending or an ending that is a "twist" to what the reader was expecting!.

As an avid reader, I like an ending that isn't forced!. The writer needs to write it as he/she would want it to be finished!. Don't write an ending you aren't satisfied with just for the sake of pleasing a reader!. Readers are knowledgeable enough to recognize the difference!.

I'm just getting into writing and be glad the ending is your tough part!. I'm having a hard part with the middle ;)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Anything to help a fellow wannabe writer out!

What I look for in an ending: COMPROMISE!. I don't want to finish the last page and start bawling, but I also don't like books that end with something like "And they all lived happily ever after!." As an author, I think it's important to know how to juggle with the main character's happiness!.

What I hate: Stereotypes! No one wants to read about a conformed character!.!.!.

What I classify as cliches: blue-eyed blondes!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i hate it when the ending is predictable: good wins, evil is vanquishedWww@QuestionHome@Com

ok well send me a copyWww@QuestionHome@Com

Sure, I'll voice my opinion!.
What the heck are you writing about!?!?Www@QuestionHome@Com