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Question: The Game by Neil Strauss: What did you learn!?
What are the most effective things you have learned from this book!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The single most effective thing i learned from this book was to be open minded to new ideas and experiences!. Other then that this book is a great gateway to learn to how to better yourself!. I personally know a few people who've read it and its sorta like giving a gun to a kid!. meaning people read it and go out and hurt others and just benefit themselves!. Its an interesting read, and the tactics/ ideas that it gives work, I know first hand!.

One of my favorite things that i learned from this book was how to be the center of attention in any social setting, have fun in any situation, and to stop being so self conscience!.Www@QuestionHome@Com