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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Does anyone know where i can read eclipse online??

Question: Does anyone know where i can read eclipse online!?!?
does anyone know where i an find eclpise online i really cant get my hands on the book and i'm kinda sure im gonna explode if i cant find it soon
thanks sooo muchWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
i downloaded the entire 3 books (twilight, newmoon, and eclipse) from http://thepiratebay!.org/!. you just type in the twilight series in the search box in the ebook section!. click on it and download it!. here is the link: http://thepiratebay!.org/tor/3933757/Step!.!.!. OH and you will need something like Limewire to download it!. Lime wire is free over the internet if u dont have it!. oh and you will need Adobe Acrobat on your computer!. you have to read it on your computeer too!. its safe though!. there are no virusses or anything attached to it!. this is how i read the series!. and it is not illegal since the site you are getting it from is in sweden which has different laws!. good luck!. hope this helps!.

oh and to the first comment: stephenie meyers is already filthy rich from these books so the $30 bucks she is being cheated from is not even gonna matter!. and these twilight books are overly cliched and cheezy and poorly written so its not likethe author worked that hard on them!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

What you are asking is illegal!. Trust me - you won't explode!. Authors have a right to earn a living selling books!. We work hard, too!. If you are old enough to read it, you are old enough to get a job and buy it!. Babysit, mow lawns, work at a fast food joint, bag groceries!. Be fair to Stephanie Meyer and don't steal from her!. Pay her for her book like everyone else!.

I think I will just explode if I don't get a Louis Vuitton steamer trunk to use as a coffee table!. They cost around 25 thousand dollars!. Does that give me the right to just walk in and steal one!? What will my defense be!? I had to do it or I would explode!?

Give me a break!. The book costs around 13 dollars!. Surely you can put together the money somehow and buy it legally!. And please do not ask people here to be accomplices to a crime!. Pax-CWww@QuestionHome@Com

The Gutenberg Project has tens of thousands of books available for free download in pdf


If, by chance, there is something you can't find there!.!.!. then one of my English professors gave me this site, which is basically the same thing and was put together by the University of Pennsylvania:


Or you can take this route and just search the book you want and enjoy on this site :


All copyrighted material is illegal to download!. Here are some sites that have non-copywrited material for reading:


But I would try the Gutenberg Project first!. I think their collection is more extensiveWww@QuestionHome@Com