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Question: Do you know what this sentence mean!?
Here someone throw a package of food- that his mother prepared for him- into the sea and now it says: "the monsters of the ocean could have what she had so bravely packed getting up in that predawn mush!."
I'm not sure about the meaning of this part "getting up in that predawn mush"!.
please give me your idea about it!. Thank you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
My idea about 'getting up in that predawn mush' is that the mother was shuffling around the kitchen barely awake when she fixed this food!.!.!.

The sun was not yet up, it was dark, all her actions and even the food she prepared were like mush!.!.!. It was as a person might feel in a dream, when sight is cloudy and darkened, and the feet can barely step one in front of the other!.

Predawn mush, when anything that is prepared is only worthy to be thrown to 'the monsters of the ocean!.!.!.'
Not the mother's fault, she was 'brave!.'
'Predawn' is very often a tough time for everyone!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The evil little beasties in the sea can eat what his mum got up early in the morning to pack!. (Before dawn, everything kind of mushes and runs together!. Nothing is distinct!.)Www@QuestionHome@Com