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Position:Home>Books & Authors> What are some personalities or characteristics of Lord & Lady Capultet and Monta

Question: What are some personalities or characteristics of Lord & Lady Capultet and Montague in Romeo and Juliet!?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Well, Lady Capulet seems to never have a really understanding relationship with her daughter, whereas Lord Capulet did seem too!. In the first or second scene he wanted County Paris to "woo" Juliet in, because he didn't want to rush things for her, he wanted to make her happy!. He always really wants to make her happy!. The only reason that he forced Paris on Juliet was because he thought of him a good match for Juliet!.

Montague basically cares for his son too, but you also saw the side of him in the beginning where he was infuriated and ready to fight once more!. I don't know if you also asked about Lady Montague, but it was obvious she too cared for Romeo, hence the whole her dying of a broken heart, because of his exile!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Sweet swing, SmartA$$!.
As far as I know, first names aren't even given to Lord & Lady Capulet!.!.!. which gets you started here!.
And their last name: kinds of rings with self-absorbtion and vanity, huh!?
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one of their best characteristics was that they did their own homework rather than relying on help from the Internet!.Www@QuestionHome@Com