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Question: Any thoughts on this story idea of mine!?
Basically this is a world filled with turmoil!. Christian government has recently been instituted as ruling arm!. The city is full of twisted politicians, poverty, crime, etc!. Rebels run rampant taking children from families turning them against the govt!. Basically a mass chaos kind of feel!. Name of the city!? Salvation City!. Basically, rebels bad, government worse!.

IN THE PAST: Rouge Christian scientists (heretics in the eyes of the govt!.) devise a way to seperate the soul into two halves!. From this method they find a way to create Soul Seekers: beings that seek out the evil half of the soul and suck it out leaving (theoretically) only the good!. But in reality the people who have the evil part of their souls sucked out become mindless and ignorant!. The point being, both parts of the soul, light and dark are needed to live!.

So we have government running rampant throwing people into jail left and right!. Rebels taking children and teaching them hate!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
This idea is very good and while it may cause some controversy that's no reason to shy away from writing it!. Keep it how you have it with the Christians creating this because the point of writing a book isn't to please everyone with it!.

I personally think that the reason people can't see the soul seekers is because of something they have or haven't experienced!. But then, of course, the experience has to be something that few people ever do experience in order to keep that ability!.!.!.!."elite", if you will!.

The idea of two groups struggling to control the "chosen one", in this case referencing his birth, is a tad overdone and could perhaps be buffed up a bit with a third party that comes into the story midway!. Sort of like the secret society in Batman!. They teach him what his mission truly is but they shouldn't be evil and tearing down civilizations as in Batman!.

Those are my thoughts and there are plenty more!. So talk to me if you want!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

wow it actually sounds kind of interesting i can see where there are parts from the real world in there of course but then you have this twist of the soul seekers !.!.!. very clever !.!. hmm i wonder how you are going to make it so the peoples visions have to be "blocked" from the soul seekers !.!.!. if this is going to be a short story for class I'm interested to see how you make it short enough to get all the points across but if its just a short story i could see it one day being a hit and then turning into a movie!.!.!. well let me know how it turns out !.!.!. if you do write a book I'm interested to read it!.!.!. - hope i could help lalaWww@QuestionHome@Com

I officially LOVE this!!!
It's reminiscent of V for Vendetta (my fave movie) w/ the whole govt!. and all!.
And the whole Salvation City is just too sweetly ironic!.
As for you're whole not being able to see soul seekers idea, I'd think something like Oz's Emerald City would be in order!. If you remember, The Emerald City is really just crystal, and it only seems green b/c everyone is required to wear green eye lenses!. So maybe (and I'm sure this sounds odd) the govt!. is overly worried about the sun and UV rays (maybe b/c they don't want to have to take care of cancerous people!?!?) so they have to wear glasses of somesort, and the soul seekers aren't viewable to people wearing those lenses, except for the boy!.
I think this has real potential, and I'd love to share ideas w/ you :)
my email is sarahthestar24@yahoo!.comWww@QuestionHome@Com

I think it's a really great idea, honestly!. But it's getting it on paper that's hard!. Remember, a good story has well-developed characters, a good plot (which you have already), and good setting/description!. Put all your thoughts down on a paper, and organize them!. Write a rough note on the main events, and you've got it!

also, add different genres!. The reason books like Harry Potter are quite popular is because of the amazing characters, fantastic plot and different GENRES!. There is mystery, adventure, life situations, fantasy, a bit of romance, and loads more that may be hard to tell, but are there!. Put in some romance (but don't surround it by mainly that like Twilight)!. also you might want to put suspense in there!.!.!.

Let me warn you though, you may offend some Christians!. I am a Christian and I think it is a great idea, but if you could change "Christians" to something that would not offend anyone that'd be great!. I am not offended much, but I know of many who would be quite!.

Write it and get it published!.!.!. and I'd read it!Www@QuestionHome@Com