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Question: The Truth About Vampires!?
"Everybody thinks we're so cool!. They think it's all blood, sex, and rock and roll!.!.!. Idiots!.

"Bram Stoker was a vamp!. He told that story about Dracula to save us from emberassment!. It instilled enough fear in people to keep them from digging too deep!.

"The only part you have remotely right is the Immortality, but we don't keep the same age or form forever!. We "cocoon" every 80 or 90 years, but I'll explain that later!.

"The truth is we don't drink blood!. I mean, have you ever met someone who's been drained by a vamp!? Of course not, it's absurd!.

"We survive by eating boogers and snot!. You've met someone who does that haven't you!? Yeah, they were in the math club, and band!. And did they ever get the hot girl!? Not so cool anymore, huh!?

"All you need to kill a vamp is Nasonex!. Why bother with stakes!?

"So here's the booger eating truth from me, Jerome Snotsus Whistleblower, a real vampire!."

What do you think!? Is the YA book market ready for the truth!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
This is shocking! What a heartbreaking blow this will be to millions!.

I think it's too much information all at once!. My suggestion is that you break it more gently; perhaps in three or four installments!.

You could even keep the stakes in the story, since a stake through the heart will kill just about everybody!. I mean, couldn't you leave the "bloodsucker groupies" some illusions!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes, the market must know the truth!. People need to know that vampires aren't like what Stephanie Meyer makes them out to be!

I will buy a hundred copies of your book when it comes on the shelves of many bookstores!

The truth shall not be staunched, but told!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Cheers to you! A brilliant masterpiece that needs to be told! ;-)

Here's a hard lesson for those YA readers to learn- you want to be a vampire, just start picking your nose!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Oh my lord, you suck noses! I am just too sensitive for this!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well when you put it that way!. Hell yeah!.Www@QuestionHome@Com