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Question: Writer's Critique Group!?
How does one go about starting or finding a writer's group!? I've been working on a erotic romance novel, and would love to get some feed back from other writers and or readers of the genre, but I don't necessarily want to join a group for writers of all genres because #1 I don't enjoy reading all genres, and #2 I know that a lot of people look down on Romance, especially erotic romance and I don't necessarily want a critique from people who only read the classics, and don't like popular fiction!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Wendy, as an erotica writer you may find it difficult to find or start a writer's group, in person or online!. I agree, quite strongly in fact, that critique should be divided by genre, with all critics at least reading in the genre if not writing it themselves!. Trouble is, many people won't admit it, or call the crude porn they read 'erotica!.'

Problems in setting up or joining a group include differentiating decently written erotica from hard-core porn, creepy people you don't want to know, revealing one's fantasies to relative strangers, the risk of offending or shocking, and plagiarism!. (Been there, done that, paid the lawyer!.)

That's the bad news!. The good news is that there is at least one very good erotica critique group online, within the writing site AbsoluteWrite!. Many of the participants are published!. Besides the erotica discussion board and the password-protected critique board, there are general writing boards, boards for every genre and type of writing, a good grammar board, and lots that's not writing related which promotes the sense of community with writers around the world!.

Maybe I'll see you there!?


hey you can do this online basically!. If you have bebo the author's section is quite good because it has different categorys, also if you go to www!.fanfiction!.net you and other writers can compare novels and submit reviews!. Hope it helps a little xWww@QuestionHome@Com

1- online!. like fictionpress!.com [it's not for fanfics] or writing!.com

2- start your own group!. i did by emailing my friends and we traded stories and correct them and send them back!. we met once a week to trade new chapters!.Www@QuestionHome@Com