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Question: Do you like my writing style!?
This is a short story that I wrote!. It was kind of a flow of thought thing, and I didn't really any definite idea in my mind when I was writing it (I enjoy doing that sometimes)!. I wrote it in thirty minutes while watching 'The Ring'!.!.!.so yeah!. Needless to say, it ended up kind of like The Ring!.


I'm asking whether my writing style is any good, not whether the story is, because, like I said, I wrote it in thirty minutes and I kind of rushed the ending!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Haha i actually really enjoyed that!. This isn't my normal style when it comes to reading material, but i actually found it quite interesting!. Heck, i even screamed "ew" out loud during the part in which they were informed that the demon was inside the child!.

The only thing that was a bit iffy was the transition from paragraphs 1 to 2!. The whole, my daughter came up to show me these bite marks, was a bit too sudden but overall, i think you really have something with this!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I enjoyed reading this story, it was fun!. The ending was rushed, as you said!.!.!. which kind of sucked as a reader considering I wanted more!.!.!. but, very good writing style!. The father sounds younger than fathers normally do, but it was pretty damn good!. :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

That is fabulous!!! Very flowing, you're right it relates to the Ring!. Ending is okay, alright, not bad at all!. =DWww@QuestionHome@Com

I deffinatly think you've got potential :DWww@QuestionHome@Com

Very good!. I really enjoyed it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com