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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Sherrilyn Kenyon Dark Novels stand alone well?

Question: Sherrilyn Kenyon Dark Novels stand alone well!?
i know the series would be best in order, but my librarys only have a few of them!. So do they stand alone well or would I get terribly confused!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
hmm!.!. i've only read several of em' (which are good by the way) and i've noticed that although they are all in the "same world" the characters have been mentioned in previous books before as minor characters!.!.!. when you read the stories about one of em' you don't get confused bcuz it's just describing their point of view, or where they're coming from!.!.!. like since they appear in other books it never tells u their information,!.!.!. u kno!? so when they get their own book, it explains you everything u need to kno!.!.!. so yea all in all they're great books, they do stand well alone! ^-^Www@QuestionHome@Com