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Question: How does a writer make an audience care about a character!?
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The character has to connect to the audience in some way!.

Scenario one: someone gets run over by a bus!. Depending on context it could almost be comic (case in point, the Ugly Betty take-off commercial where the guys are falling all over themselves to chase down the woman with the peanut scent), but often would be but a slight blip on the viewer's radar if a connection was not made!.

Scenario two: a woman gets run over by a bus!. Here the chivalrous sense of 'protecting women' strikes a chord with men, and women emote because they are women, with children perhaps emoting because there may be a resemblance with some significant female in their lives!.

Scenario three: a woman rushes into the street, pushes an unsuspecting child to safety, then gets hit by the bus!. Here she becomes the fallen hero, drawing all sorts of connections across a broad spectrum!.

All of these increasingly enhance the audience's care and concern with the character, even though they know almost nothing of the character!.

Scenario four: a man and woman are arguing, with the audience privy to the discussion, when she tears away and flees the interaction, but immediately gets struck by an oncoming, but not previously noticed, bus!. Here the reader has to weigh not only the pitious accident, but the worth of the person that got struck based on the discussion they became party to!. Even if they disagree with her arguments, they are more attached than with a stranger!. The more familiar, and the more likeable, she is in her arguments, the more a crime and loss her demise is!.

Even without personalized character development, however, there is the sense of loss!. Suppose that we do not know any more about a woman about to get hit by the bus than that she is beautiful and admired by many, or that she is very intelligent or creative, or she was struggling through many hardships!. All of these are points of value, points of attachment!. Yet, she is still a stranger until the reader glimpses her person, her thought, her hopes and dreams, etc!.

These demonstrate a continuum of character!. How much do you want the audience to care!? What kind of person did you the writer give them to care about!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Many people relate the character whether or not they have anything in common, though similarities do help!. Emotions are especially important in developing a character, experience can be the difference between a successful book and one that ends up collecting dust!. By experience I am referring to "life-experiences!." Ever had a joyful day!? Horrid day!? Frightening day!? Use your own experiences to bring the character to life!. also make the character a bit unique from other character so that he/she/it stands out among others!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Honestly, ask yourself the question!. When you read what makes you care about the character!? Then try applying that to your character, and to see if it worked try having someone who is unbiased read a little and ask how they feel about the character, and if they don't connect as what makes them connect to a character, and add that on!. Just basically based on the individual, no real right way to do it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I wouldn't say so much as to making them relatable, as making them appealing!. You are going to need to communicate the feelings well!. Be descriptive, but not overly fluffy!. Make sure to communicate the point well, without using so many words as to make is a stagnant work!. Make sure the character has their flaws and wells are their strengths!. Make them seem human, and you will evoke much more emotion toward your character from your audience!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You have to make the character relatable to the audience!. Don't create a character who has nothing in common with the audience!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

make sure the character has personality and can relate to the audience make sure the audience can put themselves in the characters shoes and understand whats going on with the character!.Www@QuestionHome@Com