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Question: I need help with the book Lord of the Flies (about Ralph)!?
What animal does ralph most remind you of and also why!? like (ex- jack is like a snake because he is evil) and also i need to do a metaphor comparing ralph to a plant, color, number, shape, gem/mineral, air/earth/element/fire/water, and 2 other things of my choice (yes my teacher is psycho) but yeah if you could just please help me with any of these things even just one could be very helpful!. thanks so much!. 10 pts rewarded to most helpul answerWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Ralph is like a Golden Eagle - handsome, intelligent, and a leader!.
He tries to maintain order and to lead the others until they are rescued!. Even after Jack forms a rival tribe, and leaves Ralph alone to fend for himself, he maintains courage and strength!.
He is like a Rose Bush - beautiful (in looks and in spirit), while having thorns for protection (his will to survive and to help the others survive)!. Those thorns also represent his mistake of following the other boys when he joins in the eventual killing of Simon!.
Blue - the color of royalty - to demonstrate his strength and leadership!.
#12 - his age in the story!.
His shape would be a wave (~~~~) heading for shore (rescue) but not a simple, straight path!. Representing his trials and mistakes and learning throughout the story, but eventually getting rescued!.
He is a diamond in the rough!
He is the Earth - Ralph represents a safe, motherly figure - he cares for the boys, suggests they build shelter, he is the moral and intellectual home!. When the other boys revert to a savage behavior, Ralph maintains his own identity, and when the rescue ship shows up the other boys revert back to Ralph's more civil way of behaving (they lose their savagery)!.

I hope this helps!. Good luck with your assignment!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Are you doing a Mandala!? My teacher made us do the exaact same thing!.(my teacher is phycho to!!

element- fire(he has hope)

mineral- diamond (he is hard to bring down from his ideas)

shape- circle (he has no hard corners to get into, he is open to disscusion)

plant- daisy (innocence, childhood)

animal- lioness (he lets people pretend they are the leaders when he does all the work)

color- blue (he handles everything in a cool calm way)

btw I wouldn't put Jack as evil, he has an addiction to power, he will do anything to get it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Dog (he's loyal to the fire/society)
Tree (he's morally and mentally strong-doesn't give into the savagery)
Black (society/order)
Square (I can't explain why I think this!.!.!.)
Diamond (toughest material-stays strong)
Earth (Down to earth/strong)
[Instrument] Drum (Creates order [the beat])
[Form of transportation (lol)] Train (Steady/Stays the path (track))Www@QuestionHome@Com