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Question: Crying at the end of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows!?
just curious, did you cry at the end of it, and what do you think made you get so emotional
here is my story:
i have read that book twice!. at the end of reading it the first time, i was so pumped up by the harry potter craze that i wasn't too emotional!. but when i read it again, i took more time to soak it in!. at the end of reading it the second time, i cried and got that burning lump in my throat for about an hour!. i was wondering, did you cry because of the deaths, the births, the victory, the fact that you were teased into thinking harry was dead, the fact that harry lived hapily ever after, or that that was the end and you would never read any more about harry potter!. for me it was all of these reasons!. i cried out of happiness and sarrow!. why did you!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Here's my story:
1 AM I race home to my book which I rip open and refuse to close till sunrise (6 AM) I was so out of whack and exhausted I barely took in the book!. I was bleary-eyed and sad!. When reading the next day I was much much more emotionally involved I bit my lip and fought the tears!. I was in more denial than depression!. I got so excited and soo involved!. No tears on cheeks but, definetly close!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I cried at the end of the Deathly Hallows and I cried at the end of the Half Blood Prince!. It is always so sad when the characters you've spent 6-7 books with have to die such tragic deaths!. I also think the book was so great because it would have been too happy if none of those characters did die!. But it was still so sad!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

okay i cried because three important characters died, i mean how could she kill off one of the twins then hurt the other one!? and how could you kill lupin and tonks when they have a kid!? i mean come on that's just so mean, it was hard on Harry so i must be hard on him!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I didn't cry!. I did cry at the end of the Hobbit however!.!.!.!.
So sad!.!.!.!.!.
O and the end of the the movie the Lord of the Rings 3!.!.!.
? LNWww@QuestionHome@Com

i cried when i thought about how Snape loved Lily, and they never got together, and now that she's dead, he still loves her!

I didn't cry!. The book was lame and a huge disappointment!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I cried a few times in the book, mostly during the deaths that other people have mentioned!. It was the walk into the forest that made me feel like I'd been kicked in the stomach!. The part where Harry kisses the snitch and says "I am about to die", to the part where he is thinking about his heart and how it is pumping furiously, and how he'd never thought about what a living, breathing wonder he was!.

I also choked up when Harry asked his parents if it hurt to die!.!.!.

A lot of the book was disappointing, and rushed, and it read like a lot of fanfics I'd already read, but that walk into the forest might be some of the best writing J!.K!. Rowling has ever done!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well, I began to cry hysterically as soon as I opened the book at midnight, because it was over and it was the last book and everything!.
Then, during the book, I began to really cry about the story as soon as Hedwig and Moody died!.
The majority of the times I cried during it were for deaths, I was sobbing and I nearly threw my book across the room during the Dobby chapter, I thought that was unbearably sad!.
I was also crying during the chapter when Harry is seeing Snape's memories after he died, because I knew he was dead and would never be with Lily and he was brave and alone and that made me really sad!.
Another part I found sad was when Harry was walking into the forest ready to basically kill himself and he was bringing back his parents, Remus, and Sirius!.
Then I was crying during the last chapter because it was over and it was such a big part of my life for so long!.
Wow, I'm crying right now, just thinking about it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well, no, I didn't cry!. I agree with the answer that said that the ending of The Hobbit was more tragic, though!. I didn't cry then, either, but I definitely empathized with the emotions of Bilbo for Thorin more than anything in HP #7!.

For me, the most tragic event in HP #7 was the death of Dobby!. It was disappointing that he died running from the Malfoys, his former masters, but it was also sad!.

However, my 2 biggest problems with #7 are the deaths and the ending!. This is why:

1) the deaths - it's the *way* that they died!. Consider:
a) Moody - running from Death Eaters
b) Dobby - escaping from Malfoys
c) Fred - ceiling collapsed, he wasn't even the target of an attack, and he wasn't in combat at the time
d) Snapy - the most clearly genius wizard in the book (they always talk about how bright Dumbly is, but never really show it), yet Snapy doesn't even put up a fight against Voldy
e) Moony & Nymphy - we don't even know how they died

2) the ending - goes something like this: "Disarm! Oops! Didn't mean to kill you!. Sorry, sorry!.!.!." It was disappointing, first, that there wasn't some grand duel (like in the fourth book) and second, that HP killed Voldy by using a spell designed *not* to kill its victim!. Of course, there's also the problem that, TWICE before, Voldy had used AK on HP and it had not worked!. You'd think he was a *little* bit brighter than that, bright enough to try something else the 3rd time!.!.!.

Still, #7 was my second favorite of all the books, and gets a rating of "excellent" from me!.

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yes, actually i did cry over some deaths!.!.!.!.!.!.but i cried mostly after the book was finished for fred weasley, tonks and lupin!. poor teddy won't know have his parents there while growing up!. i didnt cry so much that i was a wreck, but i did get upset!. i cried during the book when hedwig and dobby died!. hedwig's death was so sudden and i found a bit rushed!. but when she was giving a lot of descrption on dobby's death was what set me off!.!.!.!.!.it was such emotional part of the book, especailly everything dobby's done for harry!.

but overall, it was mostly phenominal and a great way to end the potter series!. but harry potter will always live in my heart, even though his adventures at hogwarts have now ended!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

This is going to sound awful considering all the other main characters who died, but the only parts that made me cry were the deaths of Hedwig and Dobby!. Hedwig's death was completly unexpected and to me signified the death of the innocence in the series!. What really made me sob was when Hagrid asked Harry where Hedwig was!. It made me think of my pet and how sad I would be if I lost her!. Hedwig was in a way, an iconic symbol of the Harry Potter books and his death showed the end of a series!. And ofcourse Dobby's death was a tear jerker!. Dobby sacrificed his life to save his friends and I was quickly reminded to "Chamber of Secrets" where Harry asked Dobby to never try to save his life again!. When Harry burried Dobby himself, was byfar the saddest part!. I could just feel Harry's anger and emotion!. If they don't put Dobby's sacrifice in the final movie, than I think i'll really cry of dissapointment!.Www@QuestionHome@Com