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Position:Home>Books & Authors> I'm writing a book, and I need names for my characters?

Question: I'm writing a book, and I need names for my characters!?
I'm writing a book, and ya - i need some names!.
girl 1 (main character) - perfect, outgoing, and sometimes clueless, nice, the new girl in town
girl 2 - main character's bestfriend who likes sports and is shy
girl 3 - the most popular girl in school, snobby, mean, perfect
girl 4 & 5 - girl 3's sidekicks
boy 1 - popular, nice, outgoing (a lot like girl 1)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
1) Andrea La Rue
2) Jessica Shanes
3) Nicole Remmington
4) Abby Kaden
5) Jennifer Leston

boy1) James Scott
boy2) Alex ScottWww@QuestionHome@Com

1- susy, or any other name that ends in y because this denotes that the character is really ditsy or girly
2- a strong character name like meghan or kim because the m and n last letter names provoke thoughts of strength, for shy you could use a last name that ends in a vowel
3- a strong overbearing name is good here!. something like Sarah or Beth, short, snappy, and cold
4&5- another short snappy name
Boy- Zack or any other name ending in a k-ish soundWww@QuestionHome@Com

girl 1 (main character) - Melissa, Mandy, Kyra, Lisa, Cory
girl 2 - Monica, Jessica, Jamie, Janice, Lucy, Monique
girl 3 - Lizzy, Veronica, Elizabeth, Jane, Crystal, Candy
girl 4 & 5 - Honor and Faith!.!.!.Isabelle and Jeanie
boy 1 - Tyler, James, Austin, Chris, Luke, Nick, Jack, Jay(short for Jayden)

Those are just some ideas!.!.!.writing a book is awesome! My best friend writes like 5 at a time!.!.!.=PWww@QuestionHome@Com

good description!.

girl 1- Amanda

girl2- Ashley

girl3- Nicole

girl-4 & 5- Britany and Jammie

boy1- Nick

good question though!. And u can add a nerd to ur story too, his name could be Lenny!. Its a nerd name!. Im assuming ur story is about a girl and her friend that get picked on by the popular girl and at the same time they fight for that hot guy and at the end of course its the main girl that gets him, good story!.
I like it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

girl 1- Noelle Stuart
girl 2- Stella Cunningham
girl 3- Phoebe Hewitt
girl 4- Brook Maccrey
girl 5- Irene Velasquez
boy 1- Ralph Madden
boy 2- Tom MaddenWww@QuestionHome@Com

Girl 1: Michelle Putnam
Girl 2: Chrissy Warner
Girl 3: Anneliese Kelly or Emily Atkins
Girls 4 and 5: Diane Olsen and Alyse Tennyson
Boy 1: Drew (!?) Sanders
Boy 2: Tyler SandersWww@QuestionHome@Com

girl 1- Leslie
girl 2- Rachel
girl 3- Ashley
girl 4 & 5- Kendi & Melissa
boy 1- Connor

good luckWww@QuestionHome@Com

girl 1- calire
girl 2- jenney
girl 3- balir
girl 4- serena
girl 5- massie
boy1 - jake
boy 2- nick

hope this helps

girl 1- Amina (NN: Mina)
girl 2- Bridget
girl 3- Marnette
4/5- Madison and Skye
boy 1- Gage or GunnarWww@QuestionHome@Com

Girl 1- Diya
Girl 2- sherly
Girl 3- Besty
Girl 4- Henna
Girl 5- Benna

Boy 1- Sid / ShashankWww@QuestionHome@Com


