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Question: Catcher in the rye characters!?
does anybody know who these characters are or their signifigance from "the catcher in the rye"!?

-mr!. ossenburger
-ernie the piano player
-the nuns
-james castle
-taxi driver
-mrs!. morrow

***i need to know to study for my final but my school doesn't let us bring the books home and i cant remember who these people are!.!.!.

anything you remember about these characters would be a great help

thanks =DWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Mr!. Ossenburger: Wealthy alumnus of Pencey Prep who had a dormitory named after him!. Holden stayed in Ossenburger dorm while at Pencey!. He considered Ossenburger to be one of the "phonies" that he so despised!. Ossenburger made a fortune in the funeral home business and used to go on and on in school assemblies about how the Pencey students could be just like him, with hard work and studying!.

Ernie: Piano player who owns his own nightclub; Holden visits it once he's left Pencey!. Holden considers Ernie an artist that has sold out: another "phony"!.

Nuns: Sweet older nuns that Holden encounters in the diner!. He likes them because he sees them as honest and "pure" or not "phonies"!.

James Castle: One of Holden's former classmates at Elkton Hills, the school Holden attended before Pencey Prep!. Castle committed suicide by jumping out of his dorm room window; he did so because a bully was harassing him, wanting him to take back something that Castle had said about him!. Castle refused to do so and instead jumped out the window!.

Taxi driver: Holden finds him amusing but at the same time interesting because the taxi driver (like himself perhaps!?) is a bit paranoid about things and other people!.

Mrs!. Morrow: The mother of one of Holden's Pencey Prep classmates, Ernest!. Holden couldn't stand Ernest and thought he was a real jerk but Mrs!. Morrow was so sweet to Holden on the train that he didn't want to let her know this so he made up a story about how Ernest was really popular, to make Mrs!. Morrow feel good about her son!.Www@QuestionHome@Com