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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Can you suggest a book of poetry for a teenage girl who loves romance and inspir

Question: Can you suggest a book of poetry for a teenage girl who loves romance and inspiration!?
I have asked this question quite a few times, but I never get any good responces!. I have never really read that much poetry, though I read a lot of books and I seem to be more fond of ones that are filled with so much romance, it seems almost poetic, so I want to give poetry a try!. Im going to the library tomorrow, and I dont know what Im looking for!. Help please =)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The best source would be a romance of course and inspiration comes with it free!.
To be specific no book would be unique!.You must look at the poems in poetry groups and read!. The ones that give pleasure try to copy and keep!.
Inspiration can only come from within you!.If you heart hungers you can write well too!.
That hunger you feel today will in its own time make you conscious of the Romance you look for in books!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If you can't find poetry, try:

The 50 Greatst Love Letters of All Time


Love Letters of Great Men and Women

Most of the letters are written by people like mozart, shakespere, ect!. The are VERY poetic!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Read Jane Austen! She's amazing!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Try some of these:

13 Little Blue Enveloples by Maureen Johnson - A girl named Ginny goes on a crazy European adventure with instructions from her dead aunt!.


Just Listen by Sarah Dessen - After a horrible misunderstanding which leaves Annabel friendless and outcast, she soon befriends another outcast who changes her life in more than one way!.


An Abundance of Katherines by John Green - Colin, a child prodigy, has been dumped by 19 girls, all named Katherine!. After K19, Colin decides it's time to get out of Chicago for the summer and take a roadtrip with his best friend to find the grave of Franz Ferdinand!. On the road, they get caught up in a mess they never expected!. A love triangle, perhaps!?


Looking For Alaska by John Green - Pudge decides to go to an Alabamian bording school and has the time of his life with wine-loving, ciggerette-smoking, sex-addicted Alaska, and falls in love!. Until 'After!.'


I have read all of these books, and they are amazing!. I know they are not poetry like you asked, but they are still all wonderful!.Www@QuestionHome@Com