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Position:Home>Books & Authors> When did all of sarah dessen's books come out?

Question: When did all of sarah dessen's books come out!?
these are her books:
that summer
someone like you
keeping the moon
the truth about forever
just listen
lock and key [this came out recentally, so i know when it came out, just the others im not sure of]Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
That summer = October 1996
Someone like you = May 1, 1998
Keeping the moon = September 1, 1999
Dreamland = September 1, 2000
The truth about forever = May 11, 2004
Just listen = April 6, 2006
Lock and key = April 22, 2008Www@QuestionHome@Com


just listen was 2006
Truth About Forever 2004
this lullaby 2004

the dates are on wikipedia!.Www@QuestionHome@Com