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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Oh God...why is Twilight so addicting..???

Question: Oh God!.!.!.why is Twilight so addicting!.!.!?!?!?
I borrowed the book "twilight" by stephanie myer today at 5:30 and been reading it for four hours straight, tis so good1!! I'm already onl chapter 12 =]

WHY I CANT WAIT FOR THE MOVIE!!!!!?!?!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Haha Twilight is so addicting because it's just that incredible!.

1!. EDWARD CULLEN!. OME!. Edward Cullen, What else has to be said!? hahaha
2!. The chaste love between Bella and Edward!. It's so powerful and yet wrong, and yet absolutely perfect all at once!. It's impossible to stop reading about something like that!
3!. Mythical creatures!.!.!.!.now turned good and sexy!? Come on, how can you NOT become addicted to that!?!?!?! :P
4!. Vampires are amazing! :)
5!. INCREDIBLE plot!. Stephenie Meyer adds new breath to something that was a rather trite, over-used plot (vampires and humans)!.
6!. The characters all seem so real!. You can't help but want to keep on reading about them!. :)
7!. The action/suspense/romance/fantasy all at once! :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

ahah i know right :D!
i think its so addicting because 1: edward is every girls fantasy man :D
2:its got an amazing plot
3:the romance between bella and edward!.
you have to read new moon and eclipse after
you've read twilight,
if you team edward, you will LOVE eclpise
and you wont like new moon that much but if your
team jacob you will like new moon !.
go team edward:DWww@QuestionHome@Com

I know Twilight is amazing i finished it in a few hours then New Moon and Eclipse took me even less time!. It is AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! keep reading then, you have to read the other two and then Breaking Dawn when it comes out!. I'm really excited for the movie too although i don't think it will be half as good as the book, they changed such details, no matter how minor they are, it changes EVERYTHING!!!!!!!!!!!! but, thats just my opinion!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

because it has a great storyline full of suspense and exciting events!.

but just to let you know, the 2nd and 3rd books arent half as great as the 1st one was!.

and the books are always better than movies, because the books contain the original idea with more description (ex!. harry potter)

happy reading! ^_^Www@QuestionHome@Com

I know it is!!!!!! I am a total book worm and that is like my fav book! lol i think its cuz she discribes them so good! and it seems so real like your there with bella and dont forget the yummy vamp boys!. ive read all the books and i cant wait till the movie comes out either me and my girl friends are all going to the movies together to watch it!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

DUHH!. haha it's because it's every girl's fantasy!.

the chivalrous, handsome, mysterious Edward Cullen sweeping EVERYONE of their feet!. They're just so gosh damn adorable!.

oh and by the way, DIBS on Taylor Lautner!. :]Www@QuestionHome@Com

I know right!! That's like my favorite book ever!!! And it's all about the Vampire's!!!!!! I can't wait for the Movie either, It looks so awesome!!!! And the Movie has Hot actors in it, how could you not wait!!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'll tell you why after I rent it tomorrow, read a few chapters, and form an opinion about it!. It should be pretty good though, everyone recommends it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I know! It's a mystery to me too!. Maybe they lace the pages with crack!. But the crack only work on girls under the age of 17!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Because there are vampires & it's a tease, always leaves you wanting more!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

because Edward's perfection (which is impossible btw) draws you in!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

OMFG I WAS SOOOOO ADDICTED TO THAT BOOK!!! i still read it even though i finished it!!!
<333 Edward CullenWww@QuestionHome@Com

It's the plot!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i kno ryt!!!.!.the plot is just really cool!.Www@QuestionHome@Com