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Question: Good tips for a book!?!!!?
what are some good tips to use for writing a book,
a novel,whatever you wanna call it!. LOL
I need some tips on making a book successful,
good and interesting!.
Im not writing a book,i just wanna know since i do like writing :D THANKS!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
This is a very difficult question!. Our knowledge barely comprehends the lack of information you have given us!. What genre do you like, for example!.

When writing a book, try not to think of it as a job, or as a scapegoat to fame!. Look at it as a hobby, something you wake up to do- and write what you enjoy writing about!.

A great tip I was once told was, never under estimate your talents, and never over estimate an author!. Every writer has flaws, I read Harry Potter and always see grammatical errors, but that never stopped the book from becoming successful!.!.!. and that's after a series of editing!.

Write what you know, and if you don't know- research!.

You are your best critic, so try not to be too harsh!. Let the story get laid out in a rough draft before you edit like a maniac!.

I usually write the rough drafts and outlines/descriptions on lines paper in a notepad, and type up the rest!. But, in the end, it's up to you!.

Good luck!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You need an idea for one!. After the idea you need to decide on the characters and the background, then you need a beginning!. After figuring out the beginning I like to figure out the ending, just so I know what I'm working toward in the middle!. Some ideas to add in the middle are character development and plot twists!. About the material used just do whatever's more comfortable for you!. I prefer writing on paper, but the computer gives me more privacy!. About making the book successful, good and interesting, you're in your own there!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

use Ur imagination and look on go ogle and look up "BOOK IDEAS" or some thin i write from my imagination and my personal experiences!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Write it on something you like or find interesting!. Try and write when you are relaxed and not stressed out, and use a Thesaurus!. :)Www@QuestionHome@Com