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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Is there a website where you can check the grade/reading level on books?

Question: Is there a website where you can check the grade/reading level on books!?
i am doing summer reading and i have to read on a certain reading level and i cant find it on some of the books that i would like to read
i need a website not just like "oh that book is !.!.!.!.!.(fill in the blank here) reading level

p!.s i know that you can go to barnes and noble and ask the people
i just dont know if you can do it on the website or any other websitesWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Amazon!.com generally tells what the reading level is!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Amazon - the reviews of the books generally tell you the grade reading level:

Editorial Reviews

From School Library Journal
Grade 5-8!?This absorbing novel develops an unusual premise into the gripping story of a young girl's efforts to save her family and friends from a deadly disease!. Jessie Keyser, 13, believes that the year is 1840!. In truth, she and her family, along with a small group of others, live in a reconstructed village viewed by unseen modern tourists and used as an experimental site by unethical scientists!. Jessie discovers the truth when her mother asks her to leave the village and seek medical help for the diptheria epidemic that has struck the children of the community!. Jessie must cope with the shock of her discovery; her unfamiliarity with everyday phenomena such as cars, telephones, and television; and the unscrupulous men who "Www@QuestionHome@Com

Not only do reviews of books for kids at Amazon usually give the recommended age, but the Text Stats link gives the reading difficulty level in three different forms, the Fog Index, the Flesch Index, and the Flesch-Kincaid Index!.

