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Question: I need help with brainstorming!?
I enjoy writing, but I can never finish anything I write, besides poems!. I've been leading myself on thinking I can write a novel, and I've become pretty damn determined!.

If anyone knows of any websites where they walk you through the process of novel writing!? Plots, setting(s), themes, character building, how to realize plot holes, etc!.

Please and thank you- if you know any of these, or have any suggestions, I would appreciate it equally as much!.

(By the way- I am a past user, but my account was "suspended" aka-forever ended reign of answering, an hour ago!. How lame, I was a level four!)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
These should help you!. Good Luck!!





I know that there's a website that tells you how to write an entire novel in 100 days!. I can't remember what it's called, but it's really thorough and helpful!. Try searching for "novel in 100 days" or "100-day book" or something on Google!.

EDIT: Oh, the website I was referring to is the first link that Krista listed!Www@QuestionHome@Com