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Question: Writing!!?!!?
I want to write a great story!. I have no topic and I don't know if it's going to be short, long, or just like 10 chapters!. Stuff like that!. If you'd be kind enough to pretend your writing your own story!. Tell me what would you write!. I LOVE to write!. My teacher tells me that I have a gift for writing!. Thnks for any suggestions!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Congratulations on being a great writer!. Now what you have to do is learn to find your own ideas!.

Just look around you, watch the news, ask yourself 'what if!?'!. You need to find something that's meaningful and inspiring to YOU, not to me or anyone else!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

you wanna write a story & I am in search of a person who can understand my story idea & convert it into a good book!. actually it is a story about a boy turning into a man, it is also a story of a kid turning into a girl full of emotions!. it tells about the relations of a brother & sister!. their happy moments, the moments where they cry, they care for each other!. as the time passes different things happen in their lives, different people intract their lives at a time they live their life as a single entity, but time comes when they falls apart!. that's it i have a clear plot out line of this story but i myself is not able to complete it if you can help contect!. my no!. is 9784846441Www@QuestionHome@Com

I want to write a great story!. I have no topic and I don't know if it's going to be short, long, or just like 10 chapters!. Stuf

good Question!. write what you feel like writing, it's your book ignore what people think! it's all up to you!. read books and gather ideas that should help lots!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Gift for writing includes having ideas for great stories, without anyone's help!.Www@QuestionHome@Com