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Position:Home>Books & Authors> In part 4, Levin shows Kitty his diary before marriage--who did he sleep with?

Question: In part 4, Levin shows Kitty his diary before marriage--who did he sleep with!?
Was it
-Agafea his old house keeper!?--ewwwww
-Sister-in-law of Madame Sviazhskaya (P3 CH26) --she had huge tities
-possibly a daughter of one of his farm workers!?
-maybe a character not mentioned!?

im aware there are many possibilities!.!.!.tell me what you think!?!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I think it would be a character or characters not mentioned!.

He wouldn't sleep with the housekeeper!. (He esteemed her, but didn't think highly of "those women" who became mistresses!. His high regard for her would have been lost, and he most likely would have discharged her!.)

He was uncomfortable with the sister-in-law's plunging neckline!.

He would have too much respect for those who worked on the farm to "despoil" one of their daughters!. (You have to keep in mind the time!. For Levin to have slept with a daughter of one of the workmen without then offering marriage, would have been to dishonor the girl and the family!.)

What do you think!?Www@QuestionHome@Com