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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Plz help!! any1 familiar with Sweet Valley Series by Pascal???

Question: Plz help!! any1 familiar with Sweet Valley Series by Pascal!?!?!?
Im looking for a particular book from svh series!.!.!.!.
i think it mite be one of sweet valley jr!. high series
cuz jess joins d unicorn club IN D MIDDLE of this book

in d first chapter, jess asks for liz's help wit her maths hw and talks about this girl named louise in her fitness class saying tht she's so fat and should lose som weight!. Then jess gets a call from lila and tells liz abbout her: tht shes a member of unicorn club bcuz her cousin janet, is the founder of d club!.

in 2nd chapter, bruce calls d twins blondies and jess thinks bruce has a crush on them cuz their mom told em boys lyks to tease girls whom they hav crush on!. jess goes off 2 hav lunch wit lila and ellen, and they tell her about things they do in unicorn club: they go to dairi burger after skool, raise fees to party, every friday they'd go 2 this pizza place and order four biggest pizzas, theres only 12 selected club memebrs, they decided to wear purple 4 this yr and so on

does this ring a bell!? any1!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I had totally forgotten about that series!. XD

Wasn't that the first one though!? "Best Friends"!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

I loved reading this series when I was growing up!!
The book is Best Friends!.
