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Question: Summer reading,, have you read this books!?,,!?
Which TWO books should i read for summer reading,

did You enjoy reading it!?

DONT tell me what is it about, Just tell me which books did you enjoy reading!. :)

Song of Solomon ~ Toni Morrison
Grapes of Wrath ~ John Steinbeck
Tender is the Night ~ F!. Scott Fitzgerald
Native Son ~ Richard Wright
The Scarlet Letter ~ Nathaniel Hawthorne
Temple of My Familiar ~ Alice Walker
Death of a Salesman ~ Arthur Miller
Beloved ~ Toni MorrisonWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I really liked The Scarlet letter and Grapes of Wrath i thought they were both very interesting but i love anything with lots of drama and emotion!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I am reading the Scarlet Letter!. It's taking me time to get used to the writing style of Hawthorne, but I read the synopsis and symbolism first so I'm rather enjoying it!
By the way, Arthur Miller's books are really good as well !.!.!. his "Death of a Salesman" is an excellent play about society!. I guess you'll like it!.

Happy summer reading! ^_^Www@QuestionHome@Com

I've never read any of them but they don't sound so interesting!. Try something else or just go to the library and check them all out! You won't have to buy anything!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

My favorite on your list is The Grapes of Wrath!. It is one of the finest novels ever written!.
Toni Morrison is very good, and very readable!.
The Death of a Salesman is really depressing, but a masterpiece nonetheless!. also since it's a play it goes quickly and is relatively easy to analyze!.
I like Native Son a lot and it seems under read to me these days!. I think it is an important and compelling book!.
I'm kind of on and off with Alice Walker and she doesn't strike me as being up to the caliber of the rest of your list!.
Now for my prejudices!.
I just don't like Fitzgerald, I think he's an overrated twit!. That's an unpopular position though so you may want to ignore me!.
I also just flat hated The Scarlet Letter!. I read it years ago though, and have often wondered if I'd like it better now!. I've just never quite had the heart to read it again!. I guess you'll have to eventually, and who knows, you might love it!.
I personally would pick Grapes and Native Son!. Or Grapes and almost anything but the last two I mentioned!. If I were you though I would try to read as many of them as I could!. They're all worth getting under your belt!.Www@QuestionHome@Com