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Question: Why is 'The Host' an adult book!?
I just got done reading it, and I don't see why it's considered adult fiction!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
It isn't!. It is written on exactly the same level as Twilight!. I have no idea why she refers to it as an "adult novel" when it is about the problems of an 18 year old girl and a couple 20 somethings!. As for the "romance that gets a lot hotter" that some answerer mentioned -- it just doesn't exist!. It was just really a gimmick!. Put out a book and call it an "adult book" and watch kids flock to read it!. Stephanie Meyer is a person who uses a lot of tricks to increase book sales!. Including double publishing editions of all her books - one regular - and then several months later a "deluxe" edition with the first chapter of the next book in it!. Most authors give you that for free!. Not Stephanie Meyer!.


I've read both The Host and the Twilight Series many times and I definitely see a difference between the two!. The Host is much more complex of a plot line and it's written much more maturely than the Twilight series is!. And to be honest I don't see a lot of the younger fans liking The Host as much as Twilight!. Even Stephenie said herself that this book has been her best writing yet!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think it's because the concept is a little harder to grasp!. I mean, the entire thing about the world being taken over and what the humans are going through!.!.!. I think it could he a harder concept for some teens to comprehend!. I understood it perfectly fine, but others may not!.

Stephenie, however, has said that she was writting towards the same audience, so who knows!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Because the concept is different, aimed for older readers!. The words are more difficult to understand, the theme is more adult-oriented!. And the romances get a bit hotter!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Stephanie Meyer aimed it at adults!. She assumed her teen fans wouldn't be as interested because it is science fiction rather than fantasy!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I just started reading it and I can't figure that out either!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I don't know but it was a good bookWww@QuestionHome@Com

No Idea!.Www@QuestionHome@Com