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Position:Home>Books & Authors> I'm Writing a story about a girl who is new to high school and falls in love

Question: I'm Writing a story about a girl who is new to high school and falls in love with a emo boy & i need a title!?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Torn / Forlorn
Bits and Pieces
Pushing, Pulling
Closed CasesWww@QuestionHome@Com

Okay, I'm not going to name your story!. Why!? Because going "I didn't come up with the name, I just asked for one" doesn't look good!. But keep on reading even if I sound discouraging!.

I've agonized over titles and I can tell you that to create one may either take a while or just pop up in your head!. So when it doesn't Abra Caddabra into your thoughts, use your thinking cap!.

Ask yourself:

-What makes my story unique!?
-What's the thing I most love about it!?
-What was my inspiration!?
-Is their any word that describes my story!?

And sometimes when you name a story you ask yourself:

-Does it roll off the tongue!?
-Do I feel like there is no other title!?
-Does this title embody the very idea of my story!?

And the questions go on and on!.!.!.

Just one more thing:

Don't go with titles I've seen like: "I've just met a vampire that wants me for his wife! Eeek! OMG =S!" or "This guy hates me but says he loves me and now I want to kill him!!! ARGH!!!"

I beg of you, use your creativity in everything!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Here are some ideas:

(Sorry I'm a fan of one-word-titles)Www@QuestionHome@Com

i hate to say it, but call it "It's Been Done Before," or, "More of The Same," or "Unoriginal"!.

Sorry!. You asked!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It always has to be an emo boy, doesn't it!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Painful love
tragic heart
(sorry if there a bit dodgy)Www@QuestionHome@Com